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"Your honor?" Julia got up to her feet, "Your Honor, I would like to bring the last witness to the stand."


She nodded and turned to the back,

"Luke Hampton, please approach the bench." I felt life leave my body watching Luke stand and approach the stand,

The bailiff read him his oat,

"I do." He answered.

"Take a seat.."

Julia cleared her throat slightly and approached Luke,

"How are you feeling today Mr. Hampton?"

He looked at me and smiled, "Like any man would feel watching his wife at this moment."

"Well, the prosecution is of the notion that your wife is a vile woman. So can you please tell the court and jury what really happened that night?"

Luke took his time to speak, and each second he spent my heart leaped a million miles, wondering what he was going to say,

"It's no news that Jane and I love each other." He started, "and like any other couple, we have problems, we argued, that night wasn't any different...." He paused for a second, "That night I found out that Jane was going to leave me, and everyone in this town knows how I adore this woman, it shattered me beyond repair."

You should see him right now, lying so skillfully, and somehow he's gained sympathy by implying this was my fault.

He chuckled, "I guess I must I have gotten over myself, threatening to kill myself if she left me.."

Murmurs erupted in court.

"Silence!" The judge warned.

Julia cut in quickly,

"So you're saying you had the gun and not Jane?

"Jane was just trying to get the weapon off my hands when it fired, it was an accident."

"Do you have proof?"Julia tested him.

"None, unfortunately." The way he held my gaze after he said those words sent chills down my spine, or was I just imagining things.

"That will be all your honor." Julia smiled and returned to my side, "Are you okay?" She whispered to my hearing.

I didn't know how I was feeling, so I didn't reply.

The prosecutor stood up, "I would also like to examine the witness?"

The judge gave him a go-ahead sign.

"So Mr. Hampton, you expect us to believe that what happened was an accident, how dumb do you think we are. Why don't you be honest to this court, and tell us what really happened that night?"

"You can check my statement."

"Then explain how the only fingerprints found on the gun was that of the defendant?"

Luke let out a short chuckle,

"I'm not forensic, I can't explain how these things work."

"Or you're just lying to protect your wife?"

"I wouldn't lie under oath, that's perjury, everyone in this town knows how I'm a man of the law, I respect the justice system."

"Mr. Hampton, it seems like your wife doesn't share your opinion...I mean just a few days ago she claimed you are an abusive husband--"



Luke's gaze was calm, and it terrified me more than anything. ...

Julia sensed my dismay and rubbed my hand.

"That's the woman you are trying to protect? A wife who would lie against her own husband to save her skin, it seems to me that she would do about anything to get away from you--"

"Objection!" Julia yelled.

"Sustained, go straight to the point."

The prosecutor continued,

"I advise you don't waste any more of the court's time, and tell the truth, tell the court what really happened the night in question?"

Slowly Luke's gaze returned to the prospector,

"Ryan, is it?" He asked mockingly.

The prosecutor was dismayed momentarily, but he responded,

"It's Joe?"

"Ryan." He said smugly and then turned to me as he spoke in contempt, "Ryan, you see that lady over there, her name is Jane Hampton, she's my wife, and I'm in awe of her, one would be right to say she makes me crazy. You can't even imagine the things I would do just that to protect her, especially when she's being disrespected. So I advise you to choose your next words wisely." Luke threatened the prosecutor not minding the air of witnesses in the room.

Loud Murmurs erupted in court,

"Silence!" Judge ordered, "One more word from you, Mr. Hampton and I will hold you in contempt. Only speak when you are asked to speak, and council get to the point."

Luke leaned back and smirked as if deterring him.

"Hhm... I think that would be all your honor." He retreated.

The next couple of minutes were the most crucial, I was beyond nervous. The Judge and the jury viewed the case before turning to give their final judgment.

"In light of the new information we received the state of Florida wishes to apologize to Mrs. Hampton ,and you are free to go."

I staggered, as cheering erupted in court.

"We did it, we won." Julia beamed and hugged me in glee. I couldn't believe it was over, this damn case was over.

As the court ended and the hailing went on, I stopped for a second to notice the girls, driving away, this were the same people I once called family,

I learned from this process that the people we call family most of the time are not what they seem to be, they would betray you when you least expect.

"It's time to go." Luke's voice dragged me out of my thoughts, "Or are you planning to leave with this people?" he sounded upset.

"She's not going anywhere with you." Julia jumped in, shielding me, "You might have saved the situation today in court, but you are still an awful person, a man who turns his wife into a punching bag every now and then, is nothing less than a coward, so you better watch it, if anything happens to Jane, you would have me to contend with, Jerk!"

Luke clenches his jaw but doesn't retort.

"What wanna hit me?" She snapped, "Just you try me!!"

"That's enough!!" I cut in with a warning, people were even starting to notice us, it would make him even more upset. "What's gotten into you? We are still in court in case you've forgotten."

"Jane mow!" Luke warned, walking towards the car.

"Jane, it's not safe to go anywhere with him, you can stay at my place while we file in for custody of the boys. I'm sure we can find something to use against him in court." I plan to leave Luke eventually but not like this. Luke has a lot of connections in the Justice Department, today proves it.

I just can't risk losing my boys.

"I have to go." I tell her and start walking towards Luke.

"You are crazy!!" She yells after me.

I don't say anything and get in the car with Luke.

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