Chapter 14

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It's Saturday morning and I'm lying lazily on Luke, my head on his chest, while my finger ran circles on it.

"That's awful to hear.." He said after I told him about Zoe and Dante, "Have they considered adoption?"

"I'm sure they must have talked about it...."

He brought my hand to his lips and sweetly kissed my knuckles. "I really don't know what we would have done if we didn't have the boys around." he says and rolls over so he's gazing down on me.

"Yeah, I can't even imagine it..."
"Me too." he murmurs, then kisses me lightly, "Which is why..." he murmured against my hand, "It's time we consider trying for another baby, perhaps we could try for a girl this time."

My heart constricted inside my chest,

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My heart constricted inside my chest,

"I want a mini you around, what do you think?"

A wavering silence hung the air as he waited for my response, this is bad! how can I tell him that I have no intention of bringing another child into this world, it would only make him angry.

"When is your period due?" He interrupts my thoughts.


"I hate wearing these things," he grumbles, holding up the condom, I don't speak, "Well, Jane?" he prompts when I don't answer, and looks at me expectantly as if he's desperate for my answer.

"Next week." I mumbled.

"Good." he gives me a brief kiss then stands and grabs his boxers, "You need to stay off those contraceptives too."

"I don't want another baby, Luke." I finally said, I know this would lead to another fight but I would prefer the brawl than to be forced into bringing another baby into this mess, more especially a girl.

He sits back on the edge of the bed,

"Why not?"

"Look around us, Luke."

"I'm looking." he said.

"I don't think we're ready for another baby?"

"Is this because of money? If that's the case, Jane you know we have enough, more than enough if I might add." He said and I sighed,

"Luke is not about the money." I tell him.

"Then what?" He shot clueless, it's like he's completely clueless about everything. I don't want to spell out the words, that would only lead to another fight and i'm really enjoying the serenity.

We haven't had a course to fight in a while, Luke as been really good, I know he's trying to make up for all those times he's hurt me.

He sighs and leaning down, he kisses me,

"Get some rest, Jane. We can talk about this later, " he mumbles and gets up to leave,

he's going out!

I glanced quickly at the time

it's only One-forty.

"Where are you going?" I ask as I scoot out of bed too and grabbed my veil,

I pulled it on and sat back on the bed, cross-legged, watching him get dressed to go somewhere,

"I have to get to the office." he said bluntly,

"I thought we agreed not out today."

"Well Jane, you've upset and I would rather unleash it on work, or would you prefer otherwise." he snarled threatfully,

Fear curled inside me,

He's mad.

"This is about the baby issue-"

The doorbell interrupted before he could answer,

"Are you expecting anyone?" he asked and I shook my head,

"The boys won't return until later in the evening." I reminded him and he sighed in frustration, grabbing his shirt.

"I will get it..." he murmured and left to get the door, whoever it was, was either persistent or pressed. I groaned, throwing myself back on the bed, while I laid there I considered the option of having another baby.

I thought of how it would feel like to have a girl child around the house. I smiled, It would have been nice if the circumstances weren't different,

My thoughts were interrupted by loud laughter, coming from downstairs. Who could that be?

I rolled off the bed and grabbing my phone, I went down the halls. As I walked, I could hear more voices, one I recognized as Luke and the other not so well,

I neared the living room and caught sight of a familiar face,

She smiled, once she noticed me.

"Jane, it's so lovely to see you."

"Mrs. Hampton?" I sneered at Luke's mother. "How lovely is it to see you at this time of the year?" I cringed a polite smile,

"Mother just stopped by to say hi."

"Aw, how lovely?" My tone neutral,

"Anyway, I have to get to the office." Luke leans and kisses before, leaving me to deal with her.

I noticed as she watched after her son with pride. Oh, I wanted to wipe that proud smirk off her face.

Let's just say Mrs. Hampton isn't exactly the friendly Mother in law, you know like the ones we see in the movies,

In fact she loathes me and I her. She's always taught me to be the imperfect wife for her son and she's completely clueless about his flaws.

I always wondered how a mother could be so clueless about her son, even after being an integral part to his defects,

Luke told me everything about his child, things I wouldn't imagine a mother would do or say to their child. In her despicable mind, she's groomed the perfect son, father and husband.

I'm the black devil in this case--

"I see you've redecorated." She said, interrupting my thoughts.

I cleared my throat, "Yes, I changed a few things..."

"I liked it better before, now it's just too vivid. I suggest you change the colors, I advise more white.."

"Would you like coffee?" I waved in, ignoring her typical connotative remarks.

"No, I only stopped by to see my boys."

"Well as you can see, the boys are on a playdate and Luke just left for work." I walked and opened the door wide for her, "And, I would really love to stay and chat but I have cases to if you don't mind." I gestured her out of the door,

I tried not to be rude, I really tried but the woman is crazing.

"Are you asking me out?" She said offended.

"No, of course not. You're free to linger in the corridors if you like."

She scoffed,

"If only Luke had listened to me and married the woman I had chosen for him years ago, I wouldn't be getting insulted by a..." She stopped herself abruptly but I know very well what she's dying to say.

"The word is Negra.." I supplied,

"How dare you?" She growled,

"Out of my house, woman!"

"You will be hearing from my son." She spat and grabbing her things, she walked out and slammed the door.

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