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I was doing some work in the studio when Luke walked up from behind and snarled his arms around me.

"What's this supposed to be?" He whispered and pointed at the canvas I was working on.

"I don't know yet.."

"Well, Whatever it is, I like it."

I chuckled.

"Of course you do—"

We both stayed quiet as I tried to focus on the canvas but it was impossible with Luke nibbling and arousing me.


My heart skipped a beat when he grasped and turned me towards him. He did nothing but stare at me, his eyes boring into mine.

"You are so fucking beautiful." he cups my face and starts kissing me again, "Maybe I should hide you from the world... keep you locked up in this basement. That way no man will ever set eyes on you. You'll be for my eyes alone."

Oh God, no.

"Stop..." I whispered.

"Stop? I can't fucking stop. The thought of you with another man messes with my head."

"Luke... please stop. You're scaring me." I brushed past him and went upstairs, somehow he allowed it.

Luke decided on the kids having another weekend away, so we have more time to fix things between us and he's been acting strange ever since.

I walked into the bathroom when I heard the door open,


I stripped out of my clothes and entered the shower, moaning lightly as the cold water hit my skin.

I heard the bathroom door open—-


I heard him sigh before he started talking,

"The kids are coming home soon, I need us to sort out some things before they do. ..I have questions."

"What kind of questions?"

"About you and that police officer?"

"I don't know who you're talking about, Luke.." I ran my body in the shower.


My heart skipped abruptly at the mention.

"I know something happened between you two in Turkey, and I'm not mad, Jane. I just want to know what happened..."

"You got it wrong, Luke. We were only friends, he helped the kids and me when we had nowhere to go. He was good to us, so generous." I popped my head out the shower glass to look at him,

He looked confused.

"You were with him for about a year and a half? And nothing happened between you two? I find that hard to believe."

"What are you saying, Luke?"

I sighed and returned to finish showering.

"That's a long time to be with a man and not develop an attraction."

"Why this all of a sudden, Luke? I remember You said you didn't care."

"I guess I'm just curious."

I stepped out of the shower and he handed me a towel,

"If you are assuming me and Andy were more then just friends you are mistaken. He never tried anything within the time I was with him, he's a good man, Luke."

"What about you?"

I rolled my eyes with a sigh,

"What about me, Luke?"

"You speak of him with so much affection, are you sure you haven't fallen for him?" I drew in a deep breath, knowing this was not going to end well.

"You are saying nonsense. I already told you, me and Andy were only friends, but yet you continue to imply there was something more. I don't know what else you want me to say to justify myself Luke—-but I and Andy were never more then friends. Now if that is all. I would like to stop talking about this--"

I walked out of the bathroom and re-entered the room.

I was exhausted, mentally, and physically. With his content accusations, he's always thinking I'm cheating on him, if not that or that I'm planning to run away with some man I don't know, he's so tiring.

He always assumes the worst things about me
because of my looks.

I went into the closet and pulled on something simple for the day. As I walked out of the closet I stopped dead in my tracks, seeing Luke sitting on the bed, waiting...

He looked up at me, his dark eyes giving away how he was feeling, I recognized that look and it's never a one.

"Luke not today—"

I stepped back on instinct when he stood.

He raised a brow and walked in front of me.

I hugged myself and waited for him to make his move.

"Well, aren't you going to check on the kids?" His silence had me tense with anticipation. The man is so intimidating, it was hard not to quiver at his gaze.

"Frank Lloyd, Remember him?" He muttered suddenly.

I raised my brow.


"I hated always him, not only that, I remember how he never got his eyes off you, he practically ripped your clothes with his eyes whenever he saw you, even in front of me. . Then just like that he stopped showing up."

I bit my lip out of my nerves but did not say a word.

"What's that go to do with him?" I whispered.

He stepped forward and I took another step away from him. This continued until my back made contact with the wall, forcing me to stay still. Luke on the other hand did not stop moving, he continued walking towards me until he was standing right in front of me.

He settled his hands on the wall beside my head, trapping me.

"You fucked him, didn't you?"


"You fucked him, that's why he stopped calling and showing up here?"

"You're being ridiculous---"

"Answer me!" He asked, sounding deadly.


"See, that's hard to believe. Not too long ago you confessed you fucked someone behind my back."

"What, I-I don't remember saying that."

"I do, I remember clearly. Every word... I went through your phone the other day and I saw all those texts—"

"You went through my phone!!"

"That's not the point I'm trying to make..."

"I already told you, nothing happened."

"How the fuck am I supposed to know that! With all these men idling around you, and you flirting with them. Do you thrive off the attention from these men?"

"You know what, I'm done, I'm done having this conversation.." I walked away from whatever this was, after that he pretty avoided me for the rest of the week.

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