chapter 12 aka zawas bday

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I'm writing this at 10 at night and it's rushed so if it's trash/short don't come @ me. Yes I used a symbol anyways let's get into it

Aizawas pov

I woke up to see hizashi not next to me. That's wierd?

I got up and put one one of hizashis hoodies because I've worn my binder to much.

It's a Monday ugh.

I walked downstairs while rubbing my eyes.

I saw hizashi in the kitchen and he smiled at me. Then his expression changed.

Then I realized. I hadn't put in my contact. Fuck!

'Sho? What happened to your eye'

'My dad did it a while ago' I said yawning half way through.

Hizashi looked concerned but half smiled.

'I made breakfast'

I nodded and sat down.

He walked over with the Pancakes. They were cat shaped!!!!

Hizashi put them down and kissed me on the cheek. 'Happy birthday sho'

I blushed. I ate slowly as I was trying not to throw it up. It's not that it tastes bad it's just I'm recovering from a ed :/.

After 3 and a half out of 5 pancakes a looked at hizashi. He smiled.

He took our plates and put them in the sink.

I yawned and checked the time. 5:56 am

I saw a pen on the table and grabbed it.

I had a idea. I rolled up my sleeve a bit to a place without scars and started scribbling and stuff on there.

It was calming ig. (Yes or do this ✨:p)

I stopped when hizashi started to walk over and pit my sleeve back down.

'Time to get ready sho'

I nodded and we went to get ready.

I couldn't wear my binder so I tried to hide my chest which didn't work as well as I'd hoped.

Me and hizashi had a idea. We used face paint to draw our pride flags on our cheeks.

Hizashi had the non binary flag and the pansexual flag.

I had the trans flag and the pansexual flag.

We then went to school while holding hands.

When we got to school oboro and nemi ran up to us.


'no they look hot' nemi said in a joking manner.

I chuckled.

'Anyways happy birthday shouta!'

I smiled and then the bell rang.

Me and hizashi walked inside the school still holding hands.

I saw people staring some looking disgusted bit I don't give a fuck.

When we got into class I saw we and a substitute.

'Aizawa, yamanda what is on your faces! '

'Pride flags -_-'

'Ew take them of'

I looked at hizashi before saying something.

'No. Fuck of homophobe' I said while flipping him off.

Oboro started laughing from the front of the class.

'Istg teach you aren't winning this against shouta he won't give up' oboro said quite loudly.

The teacher looked infuriated.


'Ok I don't give a fuck' hizashi chimed in 'yeah idc fucking homophobe'

Me, hizashi and oboro laughed.

'Aizawa, yamanda principles office now. '

'FUCK YEAH! ' I said as I ran off dragging hizashi with me.

When we got to nezus office I knocked and we were let in.

'Ah shouta, hizashi why are you here'

'Our sub is homophobic and I kinda told him to fuck off and flipped him off- I don't regret shit tho'

Hizashi nodded and laughed.

'I see. Well I don't see the problem with what you did.'

Nezu said we can go do whatever we want so we pulled oboro and nemi out of class and we had a party to celebrate my birthday 💅🏻.

It was really fun and they got me presents.

Oboro handed me his and I was shocked, happy and idk.

It was a cat!!!

I smiled. 'Thank you!!!'

Oboro handed me the cat and I took it.

It was a white kitten that had blue eyes.

He was adorable.

Hizashi got me gigantic pride flags!

Nemi got me a bunch of things that I can't say right.

This was the best birthday ever!!!!

Happy birthday zawa

Look at this beautiful man

H. O. T

Anyways I'm gonna go try not have a fucking mental breakdown because I think every little thing is my fault!!

Also because im useless but like ya bye peeps!

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