Don't Be Frightened

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  Summary: You have a nightmare about you and Jonathan getting hurt by your enemy. Jonathan notices and tries to calm and reassure your safety

(⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️: Mention of Violence and death, Smut, oral sex, female receiving and slight angst)

                 Keys: Y/n-Your Name
                            H/c-Hair Color
             Italics are dream sequences

  Your POV
      Everything was dark. But I wasn't scared, because I was holding Jonathan's hand. Then I heard a crash behind us. I gasped and turned around. "Jonathan, what was that!"
"It's okay Y/n, just a noise." We walk further into the dark, but then it turned red. I felt a punch to my stomach, and I flung to the wall. I looked up, and saw Batman holding the Scarecrow by his throat.
"Jonathan!" The bat removed his mask throwing it towards me.

      He pushed Jonathan against the wall, I could see fear in Jonathan's eyes. The bat was choking him, and saying inaudible curses. Jonathan reached his arm out towards me, but the bat smashed his head against the wall, knocking the life out of my lover, and throwing his body towards me. I ran over to him and cried on top of his chest. "You bastard! Why couldn't you have taken me instead?"

      The Batman came over to me in one swift step. He lifted me up by my arms and slammed me against the wall. He grabbed something sharp and stabbed it into my side. I scream in pain.. but no one could hear me.

  Jonathan's POV

      I was sound asleep, warm in my bed with my beloved Y/n. Untill I felt a shift in the bed. I thought nothing of it, she never was a sound sleeper. But then I heard a groan. "Oh what is she dreaming of." I thought. I turned over to look at her, she groaned again, but this time, her eyebrows furrowed and she violently shook her head. She wasn't dreaming of pleasure, she was having a nightmare.

   "Y/n, y/m baby wake up." I shook her arm gently, but she still jolted in her sleep.
"Jon, no, bat, no!" Were words she mustered in her sleep.
I shook her more, this time a little bit harder, grabbing both her arms in the process. "Y/n, babe, it's me, it's Jonathan, I'm right here."
She opened her eyes, which were watery and irritated. She was panting and sweating. She frantically looked over to me and jumped on me, wrapping her arms around me.

     "Oh Jonathan, it was terrible! Batman, he had killed you and, he was killing me and I- I felt it! It felt so real!."
"It's okay baby, I'm here, the Batman isn't going to hurt me, or you. He'll die before he even thinks about getting a hold of you."

  Your POV

      I held Jonathan tight. My tears wetting his shoulder. He rubbed the back of my neck and kissed my forehead.
   "Shh, it's okay darling, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." I calmed my breathing a bit, but still let tears fall down my cheek. Jonathan layed me on my back and climbed on top of me. He kissed my tear stained cheek and lingered there for awhile. Then he kissed my forehead.
"Don't be frightened my love, the bat will be for afraid of me then you should be of him."
He looked into my saddened eyes with his memorizing ones, and kissed me soft and sweetly. In that moment all my fear washed away. It was as if I never had that dream. I wrapped arms around his neck, pulling him more towards me. He grabbed my face and tilted my neck to the side, he stopped kissing me and went to leave kisses on my neck. I sighed in content, happy to feel his warm body on mine.

      Our acts where innocent, just kissing, until I felt him bite my ear lobe making me giggle. "Let me take care of you." He whispered, sending a chill down my spine. I nodded and he immediately took off my shirt and attacked my lips, this time more passion went into the kiss, as if he were trying to bruise them he reached towards my boob and squeezed it, making me gasp and him slipping his tongue into my mouth. I lifted my hips and rubbed up against his, feeling his hard on against my crotch. He moaned and let go of my breast, placing his hands on my hips, and slamming my lifted pelvis down on the bed.
"No love, this is for your pleasure." I bit my lip and nodded.

     He then went down to my shorts and took them off along with my panties. He did it so fast it caught me off guard. I felt his breath of my clit and I gasped.  His tongue immediately started to work on my dripping heat, making me arch my back. I grabbed the sheets of the bed and whimpered in pleasure. He continued to work on me, but doing it agonizingly slow.

     His tongue would go from circling my clit, to fucking me and dipping in and out of my cunt. His fingers would also occasionally play around my clit. I hated the teasing, but it felt so good, and it got my mind off if the nightmare I had just dreamt. He stopped abruptly as I was about to hit my orgasm. I let out a loud whine and looked down at him. He gave me a smirk and got up to take off his boxers.
"Don't worry Y/n, I'm not done with you." His hard cock sprung from his boxers and made me even more wet. I spread my legs for him and leaned my head back.

     He got on top of me and attacked my lips, thrusting into me in the process. I moaned into his mouth, as he steadied his pace in and out of me. I was in bliss and could only feel his presence with me. I had long forgotten about the dream. I could feel my orgasm rise again, breathing harder as it did. Jonathan knew this and thrusted faster.
"Let it go for me Y/n, my sweet babe." I immediately came, seeing stars as I moaned in ecstasy. He let me ride out my orgasm, and pulled out, cumming on my stomach.

     I had felt sleep start to take over my body again. But then I felt a dip in the bed. I saw Jonathan getting up, and a couple of seconds later, came back and cleaned up my stomach and my legs, and my sore core. I lazily smiled as my eyes started to close. I felt him come back into bed, pulling my body flush against his, and kissing my forehead.
"I'll always be here for you darling. Nothing will ever harm you." And sleep overcame me, this time, dreaming about the events me and Jonathan just took part in. Knowing the morning will be just as eventful.

(A/N:Sorry this took so long to get out, but I had no idea how to end this. But I hope y'all enjoyed! Be prepared for more smut coming up! Don't forget to vote! Love Yas!)

          -Gotham's Dolly 💣🔫💋💖

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