Nothing To Fear( Fluff)

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Summary: You are on a date with your new boyfriend Jonathan Crane. Everything is going fine, until he fails to mention you are going to watch something you're not very comfortable watching. But you also fail to mention that you don't like watching that stuff. How will Jonathan react though?

   Warnings:Language,Flirting, Reader being a bit insecure,Graphic mention of Gore and Violence(Overall Adorable)

Keys: Y/n- Your Name

Your POV
      "I can't believe he would say that! " I exclaim to Jonathan.
"I know. It's super disrespectful, but I guess you can't expect anything else from a thug. " He responded then took a sip of his drink. The handsome man in front of me works at Arkham and with the big shots at the court house, and man he has some interesting stories. One of those stories is actually how we met.


      I was at the Gotham courthouse paying a small parking ticket. When the cluts I am dropped my older, already payed parking tickets. The clerk gave me a weird stare and a little boy with his mother started giggling at me. I wanted to just disappear at that moment. But, something amazing happened.

    "Are you okay Miss? " A smooth voice asked. I looked up and saw a handsome lanky man with beautiful eyes.
"Oh yea I'm fine just... Clumsy. " I replied with a nervous giggle.
"Let me give you a hand. " He got on one knee and picked up my large tickets and handed them to me once we stood up.
"Thank you so much. "
   "Of course, why wouldn't I want to help a pretty girl? "

     That Statment made me blush. He smiled a bit and reached out his hand. "I'm Jonathan, and you may be? "
I met his hand and we gently shook.
    "What a beautiful name. "
We exchanged numbers and a couple of days later, he asked me out and we became a couple. Now it's 3 weeks later. Things are still a bit awkward but we both know how we feel about each other.

End of Flashback

     "Should we get the check now? "
"Oh? It's only 7 PM? " I responded.
  "Well actually I was wondering if you wanted to come back to my place to watch a movie. "
That made me bite my lip nervously. We've never been to each others houses, let alone at night. I know it was too early in the relationship to have sex, I mean, we have only kissed twice. But I knew to get a grip on my thoughts because he was a classy man.

   "Oh yea, that's fine. " He called the waiter over and asked for the check. I asked if I could pay but he responded with... "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't pay for a beautiful girls meal? I could not live with myself. "
  "Are you positive? "I questioned.
  He grabbed my hand and took his wallet out. "Yes, and I don't want to hear another word of it. " I felt like if I was being rude to not pay for the meal, but he always insisted on paying, so I just let him. But I always kicked myself for it.

     When we payed the bill and walked outside, he lead me to his car and opened the door for me. I didn't even know where he lived. Maybe in a big house in a neighborhood I didn't even know existed. This thought made me start fidgeting my fingers around. "Are you alright sweetheart? "
  "Huh? Yea I'm fine just, dinner filled me up. " I half lied.  He hummed in response.

       A couple of minutes later, I stand corrected. He turned his car into a regular suburban neighborhood and into a two story house with a regular sized driveway. A big house but not like the mansion I pictured. We got to the door and he lead me to the living room. "How do you like it? " He asked.
"It's really beautiful. I love the colors, it's really comfy. "
  "Really? It's not small? " His response confused me.
"Small? I live in an apartment. "
  "You do? I didn't know that. "
I blushed at this. Maybe I shouldn't have blurted that out. I ignored the situation and followed him to the couch.

      He sat me down and went to the DVD player under the TV. "What are we watching? "
  "One of my favorite movies. " He came back and sat next to me and press played on the movie. The movie started with a girl running through what looked like a boiler room. Then the horrific creature Freddy Kruger appeared. My heart started racing.

     I've always been a scaredy cat. Scary movies where my kryptonite. I have only sat through one and it was because it was a dark comedy. It's okay, you can make it through. Stop being a pussy and don't embarrass yourself. I thought to myself. A little while later, Jonathan put his arm around me. I was too focused on not being scared I didn't even notice.

      It came to a part where the same girl who was in the boiler room was being dragged around her room and bleeding from a razor like stab in her abdomen. I thought it was such a horrific sight. I covered my eyes and burried my face in Jonathan's side.
"Woah! Are you okay? " He asked suddenly.
   "Y-yea I'm f-fine. "
"No, your obviously not. Are you scared Y/n? "
   "Mm, maybe just a little... " I responded. 
   "Oh sweetie, why didn't you tell me?"
  "I didn't want you to not like me... I'm kinda a baby when it comes to scary stuff. It just makes me so uneasy and I have nightmares."

      He lifted up my face and removed my hands from my eyes. "You think I won't like you because you don't like scary movies? " He asked. I shook my head slowly. He laughed and pulled me into his lap, making me more flustered than I already am.
   "I don't care about that. Sure, I love scary movies, but I love you more, and I respect your wishes. "
   "Really? "
"Yea, but can I show you something? "
"Uh sure.. " He made me fave the movie again. He fast forward to a part where there was a part where another girl saw a bloody body bag get dragged. It made me feel sick. But he paused it and looked at me. "You know how they made that scene? She was being pulled by a string, and the blood? Was just corn syrup and red food coloring. It's all special effects. There's nothing to fear. "

      I looked at the scene again and thought about what he said. I never thought about the fact that it was fake. I just get scared about the story and the graphics. But thinking about this made me feel better. "So, they just used props? "
"Yes, exactly. We don't need to finish the movie if you don't want to. "
   "Maybe another time? Possibly during the day? "
He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Of course sweetie. " He turned off the movie and looked me straight in my eyes. He gave me a kiss on my lips that lasted a while. I kissed back but right before he pulled away.

     "Stay the night? I don't want you to leave right now that it's too dark. " I giggled and thought about it. "Sure but you just contradicted yourself."
"Oh? How? "
"You said there's nothing to fear, but your scared of leaving me alone? "
  He shrugged but kissed me again. "Well, I guess everyone is scared of something. " We laughed all night and fell asleep together on his couch. Without a fear in the world.

  (A/N: I didn't really know how to end it, but I enjoyed writing it. I thought this would be a cool concept because ya know...Scarecrow is the master of fear. But it was a bit difficult to write because I LOVE scary movies and I don't get scared easily 😅but I tried. Let me know what you think! )
    -Gothams Dolly💖💣🔫


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