At Your Service (Jonathan Crane x Maid! Reader)

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(A/N: This idea came to me in a dream.... No questions, just enjoy🤗 But Basically your a Maid who just got a long-term job for the one and only Jonathan Crane, but he seems like an odd man doesn't he? Acting a little too friendly. But your not complaining. Let's see what happens when your under his control)

    Warnings: Language, flirting, some groping, a hint of smut

Keys : Y/n- Your Name
             L/n- Last Name
        Let's just say your shorter than him even if your not¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Keys : Y/n- Your Name             L/n- Last Name         Let's just say your shorter than him even if your not¯\_(ツ)_/¯       

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     ( Also This is your Maid uniform)

Your POV
     "L/n!! It's your lucky day! " My asshole of a boss says over the phone. My ears perk up though, because ever since I joined this company, I have not gotten any jobs. And my rent is over due 3 months already.
  "Don't lie to me Reggie. " I respond.
   "I ain't lying squirt, you got yourself a job uptown and by the looks of it, it ain't going away anytime soon. Looks like you won't be a broke bitch anymore! " I rolled my eyes at that last part, but still, my excitement was not depleting. But then something hit me.    "Wait, did you say up town?" The people who live up town are usually the most wealthy ones in Gotham.
  "Yeah kid, some psychiatrist named Jonathan Crane. Works with the big guns like at Arkham and what not, seems to me like he's got a lot of dough ready for ya.  "
"This just keeps getting better and better" I thought.
"Alright, when do I start? "
"Tomorrow at 2 P.M. He lives at-"
   Reggie proceeded to give me the address of this Crane fellow and told me that I could be working for him for awhile, until he doesn't need me anymore. Which, if he's a hard working psychiatrist, he probably isn't home most of the time. The more time I'm there, the more money I can make!
   "Alright that's it kid, got all of that written down? "
   "Yep, everything. "
"Okay, now he said he will provide you with your cleaning products. Oh, and do you still have your uniform? "
"Ugh! I actually have to wear that? "
"Yep. Sorry squirt, it's company policy."
"Fine fine. Well, I guess that's all of it. Bye Reggie. "
"Bye bye. "
After we hung up I jumped up and squealed. "I finally have a job! After months in this company, I can finally work! " When I applied for the job at Gotham's Cleaning services, they had filled the limit. But, brought me back when all of those maids had their jobs. But, after that there wasn't a high demand, so they just kept me until they needed one. And here I am!!!
Hmm Jonathan Crane sounds familiar now that I think about it. I side tracked. Ehh it doesn't matter. I took my uniform out of the closet and fell asleep early for my new job tomorrow.

  The next day.....
      I woke up early and had a granola bar for breakfast. I put my uniform on, did my hair up in a ponytail, and  put on only some mascara and pink lipstick. I walked to my nearest bus stop and had it take me 10 miles right outside of the "Rich" suburbs. But the bus wasn't allowed to go inside the neighborhood so I had to walk an extra mile and a half to get to the house... In heels. So far, this day was not the best. Finally after 20 minutes, I  made it to the address. It was a two story house with an extended driveway and a porch.
      I walked up the driveway and rang the doorbell, trying to catch my breath and relax my feet. I checked my watch and it was 2:10. "Oh I hope he doesn't mind me being late, especially on my first day." I usually was always punctual, I'm a hard worker and well, I guess that's why I chose to be a maid. It's always just been me so cleaning was just a past time at this point, and cooking. But of course, with the lack of money in my wallet, I could rarely buy groceries.
      A loud click and swing of the door took me out of my thoughts and there standing was my new boss for the next, however long. A tall slender man with dark brown hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen with the touch of glasses and plump lips. His handsomeness took me by surprise, I forgot to speak.
"Your from the maid service I assume? "
"Huh? Oh yes! Mr. Crane I assume? "
"Yes ma'am. "
"At your service Dr. Crane!"
"Come on in. "
He said and stepped aside for me to come through the door. When I got in, I was greeted with a cool chill in the vast living area. Right next to it, a long staircase that lead to an equally big upper level. "No wonder it's a long term job. "
      "Such a pretty girl for such a hard labour job. " That comment made my cheeks heat up.
"O-oh, well um, cleaning is one of the many things I'm good at and enjoy to do. " "God could you sound anymore lame? " He chuckled and offered me his hand.
   "Let me show you what I want done and how this is going to work. " I took his large warm hand, and he lead me into his decent size kitchen.
  "So I need you to clean at least three rooms per day. It seems like a lot but, hey, if it'll keep you here for awhile that's a win for me. " "Did he just-"
"I'm always at work so the dust just sits there for ever. "
"Your all alone in this house? "
He chuckled and nodded "I didn't know what to do with the money I gained from my occupation. So I bought this beauty. Only flaw is, I'm never here and I'm always alone. So, I thought a maid is a good way to get rid of this money, and keep the house clean, and... " He looked me up and down. "Keep me company. " "Oh my gosh he is! He's flirting with me!
  "Oh, well I'm glad I'm the one to fill the space. " I responded with a burst of confidence out of nowhere.
"Believe me, I am too. "
      He explained to me what he needed dusted, vacuumed, mopped swept, ect. He gave me different rooms to clean everyday and today, he was going to watch me clean the first three rooms. Which were the kitchen, dinning room, and living room. He finally showed me where the cleaning products were and told me to use which ever. I trotted into the dinning room and began my cleaning. But like he said, he was watching me. But not the whole time.
     He would walk in and out to observe me. One of the times, when I thought he wasn't there, I bent over to ring my mop. "That's a beautiful view Miss Y/n." My face immediately heated up. I stood up straight and turned around to see him smirking.
"M-mr. Crane! I'm so sorry I didn't real-" He chuckled and shook his head. "Don't be ashamed Darling, I don't mind. " He interrupted with a wink.
      After a couple of minutes, I moved over to the kitchen. I started with the bottom portion, the floor, the bottom cabinets. Then I moved to the counter and island and things that were eye leveled. I saved the high stuff for last since I was not the tallest. Throughout this room, Dr. Crane was not there. I got on a stool to clean the top cabinets and other stuff when suddenly the stool broke. I couldn't get it to fold back up so I had to reach to clean the tope of the fridge. I tip toed really high to the point where my skirt was rising up.
     All of a sudden, I felt a warm presence squeeze my left butt cheek. I squealed really loud and turned around, once again, with a flushed face. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. " The attractive man stated. I looked down flustered and in embarrassment. "It's okay Dr. I just.... Wasn't expecting that. " He lifted my chin and looked me directly in the eyes. "You have one more room. Which is great, because I don't want to let you out of my sight. " He then walked away.
       I finally got to the last room, the living room. Which was the biggest. As usual, I started with the floor and worked my way up. I saved the couches for last since there wasn't any  really tall furniture. I started to vacuum the couch and when I got to the end, there was a rattle sound in the vacuum, so I had to lift up the cushion to see what it was. Of course, just some nickels and quarters. When I put the cushion back, I finished the vacuuming and sat on the arm rest of the couch to catch my breath.
     "Are you finished already? " I turned to see him at the entrance of the room again.
  "Yes sir just, catching a breather. " "Alright that's good to hear. " I closed my eyes and relaxed and heard footsteps coming towards me. I opened my eyes when the footsteps stopped and saw Jonathan standing right in front of me.
   "You did very well in all the rooms. I'm very appreciative of that and also... Slightly turned on." "Why is he doing this to me? Does he really like me? Or is he just horny? And why am I letting him do this? "
"Oh well, it's what I'm here to do Dr. Crane. "
"That's great to hear but, I just ask of one favor. " He says stepping even closer to me, trapping me against the couch.
"Oh? And that is? " Gaining confidence once again.
"Well two things actually, one, please call me Jonathan. "
"Okay Mr- Jonathan. And the second?"
"I need to fucking kiss you. " He said and captured my lips in a rough kiss. I gasped in shock and widened my eyes. But, still, gave into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.
       He deepened the kiss and grabbed my boob making me moan into his lips. He then lifted my skirt and pushed his knee in between my legs were my throbbing center heated. I started to unbutton his shirt and his pants and started to palm him through his boxers making him grunt.
      Suddenly, the phone started ringing. But he didn't answer. A couple of seconds later, it continued to ring, and ring, and ring. I pulled away from him and asked "Shouldn't you get that? "
"No it's fi-" The phone once again interrupted him.
"Grrr." He said and went to the other room to answer it.  I came to realization of what just happened. My skirt was over my stomach, my upper part of my dress was practically off, revealing my breast. My hair was a mess and my lipstick was everywhere but my mouth. I tried to fix my self the best I can and started to put away the cleaning products.
     I sat in the living room and waited for him to come back. When he walked into the room, he was just as a mess as I was. His hair was all over the place, he was fixing his glasses, buttoning up his shirt again, and still with a half boner and my lipstick on his mouth. I giggled at the sight but was still confused about all of this.
  "Listen, I'm sorry to tell you this but something came up and I need to leave."
"Oh I understand. Don't worry about it Jonathan. "
"Are you sure darling? "
"Yes of course. " He walked me to the front door and opened it for me.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow right?" He asked.
"Of course! I mean, if that's okay. "
He chuckled and kissed my cheek.
"You better. Oh and here."He handed me a wad of cash. So much had happened today that I forgot about getting paid up front.
" Oh my goodness Jonathan! This is way more than what I'm supposed to get! "
"It's okay, you deserve it. " He said and winked. "See you tomorrow Y/n! "  He said and shut the door. I walked down the driveway and out of the neighborhood until I sat St the bus stop. It was still light outside so I didn't have a problem being alone yet. I smiled thinking of the events that just occurred and peeked in my purse and saw the was of cash I had just received.
"See you tomorrow indeed. "

(Hi guys Dolly here! Hoped you guys liked reading this as much as I liked writing it. And yes, there will be a part 2. So please leave a vote and consider following! Also I take requests for this book so leave a comment! Hope you enjoyed it!
Love Yas!! 💣🔫💋

    -Gotham's Dolly💖)


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