Family woooooooooo (Techalo)

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Requested by @gamerdemon-girl

Techno's Pov

I woke up to the Sun shining in my eyes. There I realized two things. One my husband wasn't with me and Two I'm late for work.

Quickly I got out of bed and got ready. Putting my hair up in a low ponytail I rushed out of the room to brush my teeth. After I finished I could hear a soft and warm humming.

I walked towards the sound and found Bad making something in the kitchen.

"Bad why didn't you wake me up?"

"Babe, you don't have work." He told

"I what?"

"You don't have work and we are going to my family's after breakfast so change into something comfortable you don't mind getting dirty"

"Why do I have to worry about getting dirty?"

"Good and Egg" He responded and flipped a pancake

"Oh ... I keep forgetting about those two"

"Yeah yeah now go change" he shooed me out


Bad's Pov

I flipped the last pancake and set it down on Techno's plate and checked on the hashbrowns. They were a golden brown now. I grabbed the spatula and put the hashbrowns on both me and Techno's plate. I cracked two eggs in a bowl and two on the pan. Techno prefers his eggs over easy and I prefer mine scrambled. Once Techno's eggs finished I put them on his plate

"This better?" I heard Techno's gruff voice from the kitchen entrance

He was wearing a white shirt with a grey jacket over it and some black pants

"Yes very much so" I handed him his plate and  finished making mine

We ate in mostly silence with me throwing a few flirts to get him in a better mood since he sounded a bit upset this morning

He laughed a bit at some of them and threw some back

Eventually we left the house and dropped Lucy and Floof off with Ant


Good's Pov

"Daddddddd why does Mom have to come over" Egg complained

"You know why, now just pretend to be happy in her presence and she'll leave in one to two hours" Dad told him while fixing his hair

There was a knock at the door and dad yelled for me to open it

I opened the door to see Bad and his husband

"Hey Good" Bad hugged me

"Hey Bad and Bad's spouse"

"Are you ever going to learn his name?"

"Fuck No" I answered honestly

"Language" He ruffled up my hair

I left them walk in and went back to the couch to watch South Park on my phone and just as I got comfortable the doorbell rang

"God damn it" I went to the door and there was mom in all her stupid glowing light

"Good my son how are you!" She squealed happily

"I'm alright" I was quiet until I remembered she excepts a "and you"

"I'm quite fine I've missed you guys how come you and Egg don't come over anymore?"

"Oh well school and our jobs, you know" I lied to her and moved so she could come in

"Are you lying to me?" She asked


She hummed and I think she spotted Bad because of how she smiled and walked away

Bad's Pov

I was talking to Egg about his latest interest when I felt a firm hand on my shoulder

"Bad~ I've missed you"

"Oh hey mom" I turned around I tried to sound happy to see her

"Any grandchildren for me yet or you know a daughter in law" She had a forced sweet smile

"No,  you have a son in law. I invited you to the wedding"

"Yes I know but I want a daughter in law" she complained

"Yes I know you do but I have someone who makes me happy and that's all I need. You have to accept that fact." I crossed my arms

"But Bad I want-"

Egg cut her off  "Shut up care mom he's happy deal with it"

Mom choked back a sob and held a hand over her chest

"Egg" her voice breaking "why would you say such a to me" she started to tear up

Egg stared at her and looked away for a second and sighed loudly "I'm sorry" the sarcasm in his voice was very noticeable

"You mean that?" She wiped her eyes

"Yes" I knew he lying

"Alrighty well I'm going to bring drinks" I clapped my hands together and left to the Kitchen

I saw Techno and Dad chopping vegetables and chatting. I grabbed a few glasses and a teacup and made some Lemon and Honey tea for mom and some soda for the rest of us. I gave Dad and Techno some soda, kissed Techno's cheek and brought out the drinks for the boys and mom

I got to the living room but mom wasn't there anymore

I looked at Egg who was playing with a gameboy

"She left" he said with out looking up

"Well ok" I handed him his soda and set the tea on the coffee table

Good swore something under his breath and looked up from his phone and ran over

"Is that for me" he dragged out his e and stared at the soda with big doe eyes

"No it's for Casper" I told him sarcastically

He sniffled and I handed him the soda

"Yes it is for you" I took a sip of my soda and giggled

Plssssss every time I spelled Kitchen I was about to write it with a C.
Hope you enjoyed this also it might be the last update for the next 2 weeks because Holidays

will I be online?
yes, just not publishing

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