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378 days later (human time cycle)

Hesxink is his name. Ugly creature if you ask me. Big fat body with short, chubby legs. He is more powerful and has no speed, stink, and is covered with grey slime. He has three eyes, which are looking in a different direction. Lower jaw's fangs are overly grown he can't close his mouth properly.

Did I mention that he is ugly?

"What do you want?" He looks at me and sneers.


"I don't talk to you, you puny useless human, I talk to this alien, looking like a black Tzarian but moves like a human," Ugly face talks with spits flying out of his mouth.

The epitome of hideous, he is.

Things have changed. A lot of them. But the only things that remain, are my plan to kill the UG, and my feeling for Malcolm. The rest of humanity has lost their hope for justice, most of them are just... living by. There is no spirit in them anymore.

Jamal passed away a few months back, with no dignity. He lost his hope, he lost his will to live, and he just let himself wilted away. Cara is filling his position now. And me... as nobody has the passion to live, I have to be the one who steps up and leads them.

Can you imagine? The alien, the mute alien who didn't know how to fight. Now I'm their leader.

Now, if anyone pisses me off, I won't blink before I break their bones. My thirst for justice for Malcolm, for the rest of humans, is the only thing that keeps me going. I will kill them all even if that's the last thing I do.

So as I'm now on this hideous planet, sitting down with the hideous creature, I keep reminding myself the reason why I'm here because if not, I know that the universe will be a much better place with a one less hideous creature like this piece of shit.

Slowly, I open my mind, and my heart, poisoning the room with my venom. For over three hundred days I have been training, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I know that unlike my siblings I have no control over any elements, nor can I control the time.

But I can control people's feelings. I don't use fire, or air, or the ground, or the water to kill, I put a seed in their brain, and a whisper in their heart, and they will kill themselves for me.

So when I feel that my venom has to seep enough in their mind, I stop to watch them start groaning in fear, falling to their knees with no hope to live. I give them hatred, the most prominent feeling I have and turn them to hate themselves, and just like that, one alien starts to shoot himself in the head, then followed by the other.

It's like the trash starting to take itself out. How convenient.

Meanwhile, the stupid, hideous creature is on his feet in an instant, watching the people he brought are lying down on the floor lifeless. "What have you done?!" He yells, half in rage, half in fury.

Behind me, Cara clears her throat.

"We need more weapons," She says.

Since the day Nirvana exploded, she shaved her head and vow to keep her head free from hair until she killed the people who destroyed her home. Cara has been glued to me. Her hatred of UG runs almost as deep as mine. She has practiced her mind not to fall when I use mine to kill or to hurt others. Jackie was also able to do that, but I just... I can't stay near Jackie for too long. She brings too many bittersweet memories that still pained me until now.

"Weapon?! You took my ships!" The hideous face spats.

"Yeah, well, we need a weapon now," Cara says in a bored tone. "Either that or you also dead," She says nodding to the pile of the dead body behind him.

"Who are you?!" The hideous face asks in anger.

"This is Noir," Cara says introducing me in a bored tone. "And if you don't want to die, do as what we told you,"

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