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I run to the tube and start banging the glass I stare at his empty eye, clearly unblinking, I'm not sure if he can see, I'm not sure if he is still alive.

"For the living of the suns, all of the killing only for this... thing?" The voice inside of me says mockingly.

"Now, daughter of Zer the traitor, watch as your love one dies, watch as I turn him from useless, to nothing."

I hear his evil voice boom with laughter in my head. I keep banging the glass trying to call him although I know it's useless.

I see no life in his eyes.

I see nothing.

Then I see the water starts draining little by little. My fear turns into panic as I register what would be the outcome.





But the voice keeps laughing and laughing. When the water is on his eye level I noticed how his skin doesn't hold its shape anymore.

He is going to die.



Not like this.


I can't hold it anymore as I watch the water reach his nose. I let myself burst into a hundred billion pieces. The air sizzles, it gets warmer and thicker, swirling around me like a tornado, flying my hair upwards against the gravity. My blood feels boiling my body plate shrinks as if I'm being cooked from the inside, the ground under me shaking uncontrollably, cracking and dropping, moving with the rhythm of my despair. Steam filled the room as if the whole planet is being cooked from inside.

Suddenly I heard the mysterious voice grunting in pain. I let out all my despair and fear, fueling whatever is happening around me, rising the temperature, sucking the air, shaking the ground, suffocating the lungs with humidity. I'm sure those people in ships who are queuing to get inside this planet are affected as well.

"STOP!" The voice screams before the walls start crumbling down and the floor cracks, leaving big holes and rising one side of the ground and pulling down the other. As the foundation shattered, the whole building starts to crumble, but I couldn't care less.

If he dies, I will come with him.

I will follow him.



I feel two hands holding me.

Is he calling me? Am I close to the gate of death? Is he waiting for me?

Finally. I let out a sigh of tiredness. Finally, we'll be together again.

"ANA!" I suddenly feel being pulled backward, and a shadow comes in front of me. "Ana! Can you see me?!"

No. I don't want to. No.

A grunt of anger is heard. Two hands trying to pray my arms off the tube, which I didn't remember hugging.

"We can save him! I can save him! Let him go!"


"She is better to be your sister, babe, or you'll be missing a dick," I heard a sassy voice. "We need to get out now, grab her and I grab... uh, the rubber head man? Let's get the hell out of here,"

"She is in shock, Mary!"

"And we will turn to pancakes! Chop chop!"

Another grunt and I feel myself being carried up.

Where am I? What is happening?

"Ana, I know you can hear me," Said the voice as I feel like floating. "Come back here please, look at me, I promise you I can safe him, please, look at me,"

I know that voice.

Slowly the darkness around me subsided, and see a beautiful woman flying in front of me, her skin is a magnificent color, with what looks like electricity ribbons coming out of her pores.

"Hey doll, my name is Mary, I'm your sister-in-law," She smiles as her eyes glow bright, what an odd sight. She is clutching Malcolm in her arms, lifting the tube with no difficulties at all.

"Ana," I hear a whisper from my side.

I turn and gasp when I look at a pair of very familiar black eyes and a very familiar face. The memories of our time together in Relish come washing my mind like a storm to a dry land. I can't hold it anymore, I hold Lev tight and muffle my scream on his chest. Lev doesn't say anything but his hold on my body tightens.

"I know he is important to you," Lev says. "I will safe him, I promise, you'll have him in your arms again,"

Thank you. I remember thinking, and I know, Lev heard my mind.

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