Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes to see that i was in a medical office.
"You are finally awake, L/n." I looked at the nurse. "You passed out in the hallway and these boys brought you here. They're outside." She sighed. "Are you okay? Should i send you to our school therapist. Judging by those cuts on your wrist."

"No, i'm good it's just.. my friend's cat made those! So, can i go now?". She nodded and i left the room. The boys from earlier were right at the door. "Oh, seems like you are good now", short one said. The taller one observed me and looked away, "Mikey, Takemitchy is waiting for us! Let's go!".

"You mean Hanagaki? Didn't know he was friends with you...?", i looked at them, waiting for introduction. "Right, Sano Manjirou, call me Mikey! Here's Ken-chin, aka Draken. Don't mind his rudeness, he's not in the best mood. You know Takemitchy?", shorter smiled.

"Um, yeah? We are classmates... Oh, and i'm L/N Y/n! Are you two from other school? I've never seen you before", i asked.

"We came to visit our friend, now let's go to him!", Mikey said, grabbing me by my wrist on my cuts.

"Ow, Mikey, i would be glad if you let go of my hand..", i sweat dropped. He gasped, "Oh! I'm so sorry, Y/n! By the way... Me and Ken-chin accidentally overheard your conversation.. How do you know Chifuyu and why did you lie to him?". He looked dead serious now.

"You see, we have been friends since childhood... I wanted to talk to him about something really important but he chose his stupid gang over me... I didn't want to make him worry about me, so i lied..", i gasped, "But it's not like i did that on purpose, so he can come meet me instead, i understand that he doesn't have to spend his whole free time with me.. Yet still i got a bit upset. But how do you know him?"

He thought about what i said for a minute and smiled. "I'm actually the president of the stupid gang he's in!"

My hand flew to my mouth. "Oh my gosh, should've told me earlier!". I started bowing. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to offend you by this. Lord, i'm so dumb", i was embarrassed.

Mikey started laughing. "It's fine! I can let him skip a meeting for today, if his girlfriend wants to see him".

My eyes widened, "Mikey, cut that out, we are only friends!"

He then exchanged glances with Draken, causing his friend to chuckle. Then Hanagaki ran up to us. "Oh, h-hey Mikey-kun and Draken-kun. I'm sorry I-
L/n-san? Are you friends with them?"

I opened my mouth to say something but Mikey interrupted me. "Yes, we are friends! Now we have a whole squad together! Let's go on a ride right now!"

With that, Mikey dragged us out of school and stopped near two bikes. "Okay, now who's sitting with me and who's with Ken-chin?"

"Oh, i'm with Mikey-ku-", Takemichi started but got interrupted by Mikey.

"I know! I will drive Y/n and Ken-chin takes Takemitchy!", he pointed at me.

I wrapped my hands around Mikey to not fall. But why did it make me feel some type of way? What's this strange feeling in the stomach?

The whole ride was amazing. We were discussing totally random topics. They made me feel so happy, yet so sad... I wish i met these guys earlier.

"Ken-chin, drive Takemitchy home, i wanna hang out with Y/n for a bit!", Mikey grinned. I was confused but i didn't really mind. He parked the bicycle and we set off.

We were walking around the city, enjoying the evening. "Mikey, have you heard of Moon Eternity?", i asked him. "Hm, is that a cafe that opened about three months ago?"

My heart dropped when he said three months ago. "Y/n, you good?", he asked with with a worried expression. I smiled nervously, "Y-yeah, just remembered something.. really bad". He raised an eyebrow, "Really bad... Do you want to talk about it?". I shook my head, "It's fine! Let's just go the cafe, it's my favorite place!".

He nodded and then suggested one horrible thing. "Wanna race to the cafe? The loser pays for the dessert". My eyes widened, as i remembered the same thing i said three months ago. I didn't want to wake up in a hospital again, so i refused, saying that i can pay for it without racing. He pouted, "You're boring, Y/n!"

I just laughed it off. If only you knew...

He ordered a cup of iced coffee and a whole plate of chocolate, while i just chose a cup of tea and a piece of cake. Would coffee harm me? I wouldn't risk my 6 months of life...

We were quietly eating, not talking at all. It was a bit awkward, since i didn't know what to say. "Say, Mikey, what would you do, if you only had six months left to live?", i asked. He raised an eyebrow, "What a sudden question... I would probably do my best to live happily with my friends and family before i die, i guess... What about you?"

I rubbed the back of my head, "Maybe do the same as you... However it would do good only without telling others, so they wouldn't worry!"

He frowned, "But imagine how would they feel after your death! They would blame themselves for not being enough, not protecting you. Anyways, was that question a hint or anything? Was that what you wanted to talk about with Chifuyu?"

I only know him for less than a day, but the way he makes me feel... I thought i lost hope, the world seemed so drab. How do you manage to be so joyful, Manjirou? But no, i don't think i can tell him... yet? We might not be friends after a month, so it doesn't matter.

I shook off his question, saying that i was testing him. Soon we left home, but before we parted our ways, he pulled me into a hug. "Good night, Y/n", he whispered.

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