Chapter 6

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I sighed and ran out of the hospital. Surprisingly, no one followed me.

It was around 5 pm. I started picking out the outfit. Should it be a formal or more casual? Thirty minutes later, i finally decided what i wanted to wear: a blue mini skirt, white crop top and a blueish jacket. I was ready to go. I looked out and noticed that it was pretty dark outside.

I left a small note to my mom, saying that i'm going on a date, and headed to the cafe. The uneasy feeling still remained and i shook it off, thinking it's about the confession. I also texted Mikey, saying that i'm on my way.

Third person POV:

"Phew, i arrived earlier, now i can practice my confession to her!", Mikey thought. He was actually dressed formally to impress Y/n.

The moment i've been waiting for...

He couldn't get over the happy feeling that soon he's going to confess to the love of his life. But he got a bit sad, remembering what Baji said to him, before dying.

"Mikey... take care of Toman... Take care of Y/n.. You guys fucking love each other but are too blind to admit it. Go and confess to her. Get your life together!"

It was getting cold outside, so he went in. He pulled out his phone and cursed, Fuck, my phone is dead.
He looked at the cafe clock, "7:10 pm, she might be just busy getting ready.."

While he was waiting for her, the memories of him with her filled his head. He remembered how he first saw her crying and talking to Chifuyu. At that time he didn't even know, how will this meeting affect his life. When Y/n asked him what he will do, if he dies in 6 months, he didn't really care about thinking deeper. The best memory of them was how he treated her wound that day. How vulnerable she looked, how bad she was injured. Her back was so tender, he wished to have more of it.

But when he heard about her disease, his world fell apart. The girl he loved so much was going to die in a couple of months? And this is where he knew that he has to confess and spend more time with her.

He was also going to apologize for how rude he was to her on Halloween. But after the confession of course.

The minutes passed, but the girl wasn't coming. He was a bit worried, calming himself by thinking that she had some business to attend first.

But when it struck 12:00 am he knew she wasn't going to come. He felt like she might have fainted halfway, so he promised himself to go check on her tomorrow. He went home, not bothering to check his messages and went to sleep.


In the morning, he finally opened his messages and his eyes widened. 20 missed calls from Y/n and 8 messages?

But as soon as he read what she sent, he couldn't hold back tears.

My darling:
I'm on my way!

My darling:
Jeez, pick up the phone, i'm bored!

My darling:
Mikey, it's so cold and dark outside ...

My darling:
Mikey, answer me please, i think i'm being followed.

My darling:

My darling:
I called the police, they'll come soon, can you please meet me halfway? I'm still worried.

My darling:
I'm trying to go faster but he's speeding up too. Mikey, i'm so scared

My darling:
Manjirou, I love you

It was her last message. He tried calling her, but it said that "the number you're calling doesn't exist".
Something inside him told him to turn on the news. As he did that, he fell down on the floor.

Police reports a murder committed yesterday. L/n Y/n is the name of the victim. The 15 year old girl was ruthlessly stabbed 16 times. The pathologists also stated that young lady was diagnosed with deadly disease — leukemia. She was found in the ditch, near the cafe "Moon Eternity". The murderer is still missing. The police called this murder case "Moon Eternity"-

He turned off the TV. He couldn't believe his eyes or ears. Y/n is... dead?

His world fell apart. The love of his life is now no longer with him. But the worst thing is that he never got to confess his feelings.

She was alive just yesterday, smiling at him, laughing along.. How could she be dead then? It has to be a misunderstanding...

His phone was blowing up from all the notifications and calls from people with condolences. He didn't want to believe it.

If only his battery hadn't died.

if only he suggested to pick her up.

if only he had arranged a date when it wasn't dark.

if only he confessed earlier.

if only they met earlier.

He would never be able to forget how her lips tasted.

Right person, wrong time.

The end.

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