Chapter 1

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It started 3 months ago.

3 months ago

"Mom, i'm gonna go to that new "Moon eternity" cafe after school with Chifuyu, so don't get worried!", i told my mom on the phone. And no, he's not my boyfriend. We met 10 years ago, when his cat Peke J snuck to my apartment and then slowly became best friends.

"Ahh, i wonder what kind of cafe is Moon Eternity", i exclaimed, happily bouncing around.

"Yeah, they only opened yesterday and already got popular", Chifuyu smiled. "Wanna race to the cafe? The loser buys extra dessert!", i suggested.

"Pf, seems like an easy win to me. Bet", the boy replied, "One, two, three, go!"

And we started running to the cafe. Surprisingly, it wasn't really crowded on the streets, so i could spot Matsuno easily. Suddenly, i felt my nose running. "Oh, did i somehow catch cold?", i thought. I shook it off and kept running. But i never reached the cafe that day, I fainted halfway.

"Y/n L/n, we have two bad news to announce to you", the doctor coughed, "First. You have leukemia. Second. You only have less than a year to live. Im deeply sorry, we can't do anything to prevent it."

When i heard him saying that, i froze. And so did Chifuyu, who was sitting next to me. We were too shocked to even reply to him.

And by the way, it happened in April.

July, present

Ever since i got diagnosed with cancer, i tried to live my life to the fullest, while i could. Me and Chifuyu started spending more time together. And yeah, i never told my family or other friends about this. I didn't want them to pity me or show false affection. I wouldn't like getting attention from a deadly decease. I asked doctor to never mention in to my parents, since there was no saving me anyway. But i still kept coming to the hospital for chemotherapy and therapy.

Today was the worst day ever. My mom would always get mad at me for failing grades and skipping classes, but she never dared to raise a hand on me. Until today. This morning she got a text from the principal, who said that i skipped the class again and got in a fight with some hooligans from my school. It was also my bad luck that she wasn't in a good mood. She woke me up and started hitting my back with a belt, saying that i'm a disappointment. I could only wipe away my tears and quietly watch her do it.

As soon as i got to school, i rushed to the bathroom to cry in peace. I pulled out a blade and made a few deep cuts on my wrist. Chifuyu will get mad at me for self harming myself again. I quickly but messily bandaged it, but the blood was leaking. I started crying even more and decided to call Chifuyu. By that time, i was slowly walking in the halls. I also spotted two blonde guys, who had a big height difference. They were leaning against the wall. I've never seen them before though. Finally, Chifuyu picked up.

-Y/n, i'm in the middle of a class, did something happen?

-*sob* Fuyu, remember you promised me to go to the cafe today? I want to-

-Oh, sorry, Y/n, i cant go today. Our gang has an important meeting and-

-"Chif, but you promised me? Is the gang meeting more important than me?", i was silently crying, trying to hide it. I was at my lowest and hearing this was even worse. The second i replied to him, i noticed that these guys turned their heads to me. I have also put Chifuyu on the speaker, so they might've heard us.

-Hold up, Y/n, you're not cutting yourself right? Are you crying? Did anyone hurt you?

I looked at my bandaid, which was fully in blood, and slightly chuckled.

-No, i'm just... Sick! I think i caught cold or something like that. Don't worry, you know that i can beat the shit out of whoever tries to bother me, right? You can go on that meeting, i will be fine.

I hung up and went to my locker to get new bandaids. I've noticed that the guys have been eavesdropping our whole conversation and still looking at me. I quickly changed my bandage and started going back to the class. Blondes turned their gaze at me again, as if waiting for something.

Then i felt something drop from my nose. I touched it. "Blood?". The next second i passed out.

Third person POV:

The girl lost consciousness without successfully reaching the class. The only people, who would notice her, were those two blondies.

"Oh, Ken-chin, look, that girl from earlier passed out. Let's go help her!", one said.

"Mikey, we are waiting for Takemitchy. I'm sure she can handle herself. She said she's capable of beating the fuck out of others, she probably just fell asleep midway", the taller scolded.

Then they noticed a small blood puddle surround her head. "Ken-chin, dumbass, what if she dies here? Even if she's a stranger, we can't let her die!", Mikey said. Draken's eyes widened and they both ran up to her. "I'll handle it", shortie said. With that, he picked up the girl and carried her to the school nurse in bridal style. "Oi, Mikey, her phone-". He looked at the wallpaper. "Huh? So she's our Chifuyu's wifey?"

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