Chapter 5

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We pulled away to catch breaths. The whole walk to our homes was silent. He only waved goodbye and left. No words, no hugs, no kisses.


Today was the Halloween. I heard from the guys that Toman will be fighting Valhalla. Sadly, Baji left Toman and we never contacted again after it.

The uneasy feeling wouldn't leave my stomach. It wasn't the butterfly thing. Are my guts warning me? Is something bad going to happen today?

I slept the whole day, waiting for the fight to be over, so we all can hang out and go doing trick-or-treat thingy.

Soon, i received a notification. I opened it. Baji?

Y/n, take care of Mikey for me.. Or let him take care of you for me.
And yeah, this is probably gonna be our last interaction ever, so please confess to this bastard already. He feels the same way.

I was confused about his message. Take care for him? What could that mean... When i read the second part of his message, i gasped in shock. Does Mikey really feel the same way?

Well, it seems like the fight started, so i just kept on waiting for the end of it. I should really confess. Imma do it tomorrow, who confesses on Halloween?


It was already late, so i decided to call Mikey. He was declining my calls. I texted him, but he was only leaving me on read. I called Chifuyu, asking what happened on fight. As soon as he explained it, my phone fell from my hands.

B-Baji... died?

Tears streamed down my face. "Fucking dumbass, you knew you were going to die, didn't you?", i smiled, still crying. Over the past months i've gotten pretty close to him, since him and Chifuyu had a strong relationship.

I wonder how Mikey feels right now. I sighed and called him again. Surprisingly, he picked up. But he didn't let me say a thing. "Y/n, please stop fucking calling me and spamming! I have no time for this right now!" With that, he hung up.

I felt my heart ache. Ouch. I fell down, crying harder now, and buried my face in my knees. My brain couldn't process whatever happened today. Then i felt something warm on my knees. I got up and saw blood. Again. I felt dizzy, i wanted to sleep so bad right now. I ran outside, trying to get some fresh air. But it didn't help and i fainted.


I slowly opened my eyes and felt a slight pain in my arm. I looked at it and saw a drip. Someone beside me sighed, "L/n, do you even care about your health?" "D-doctor..", i stuttered.

My head was spinning around, so i laid back. "Y/n, your state has gotten worse due to the stress you faced. I'm afraid you have less than a month now", the doc got up, "You have some guests over".

I wanted to shout. Less than a month huh? How come i've gotten to this outcome.

I heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" My eyes widened, seeing the person who just entered. "Mikey...", i sighed and looked away. "Y/n, i'm so sorry for what i said yesterday! Are you here because of me?", he asked, with tears forming in his eyes.
I shook my head, making him sigh in relief. Then i remembered what Baji said. "Mikey?..", i whispered.
"Let's go out today!", we both said in unison and then laughed. "Okay then, what time?", i smiled.

Mikey thought for a few seconds, "7 pm! Let's meet at the Moon Eternity!" My stomach ached. Why do i feel so strange?

Then he left, saying that he needs to prepare for our "date". I waited for some more time, waiting to snuck out of the hospital and get ready too.

Mikey, i will confess to you today!

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