Chapter 7: Warm Hearted Principal

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"O-one more blow! T-to the right!" The girl yelled. Grim followed and blasted one last fireball at Crowley. After the hit, Crowley transformed back into his original form.

"Ha...ha...How 'bout that!" the small monster exhaled, exhausted from the endeavor. Xinyi came over and picked him up, quietly saying he did a great job.

Crowley watched them for a moment, analyzing the soft spoken girl. "I can't believe...there is a person who can command monsters." he exclaimed, bringing the pair's attention to him as he mumbled in thought. "To be honest with you, my teacher-senses were telling me that you have talent as a trainer or beast tamer since the uproar during the entrance ceremony. But... no matter..." he continued to mutter some other words, but they were incomprehensible to the others ears.

Xinyi had to take a moment to collect herself, a bit nervous to talk to the headmaster. "C-could you p-possibly let Grim stay here with me?" she spoke, her voice barley high enough to hear. Yet the educator heard her, immediately looking up at the shy girl. "H-he r-really wants to go to this school." she continued looking away from him.

"What now? A monster?" Crowley exclaimed, now registering what she was asking.

Grim looked up at the human, who looked very nervous. She almost looked like she was about to cry. "You..." Grim started in disbelief, not even considering that she would speak up for him.

"Please!" She begged, holding Grim close before muttering. "I-I'm scared t-the ghosts might come back."

Crowley looked at the girl, seeing her fear and her determination to help this creature. He let out a long sigh. "It can't be helped," he said, yielding to her request. "Very well."

Grim looked at the tall man with wide eyes. "Hnn!? Really!?" he said in surprise.

"However." Crowley quickly added. "I can't simply allow someone, let alone a monster, who wasn't chosen by the Dark Mirror into this school. Also, I can't let you be a freeloader here until you return to your own world."

While Xinyi nodded in understanding, Grim's ears went back in distain, not liking the situation. " about short-lived joy..." he muttered.

"Let me finish." the headmaster encouraged, before looking at the girl. "Concerning the fact that your soul was called here, the school has to take responsibility as the owners of the Dark Mirror. For the time being, you'll be permitted to stay in this dormitory for free. But other necessities you will have to provide for yourself. Seeing as you have nothing to your name... Hmhmhm, here is my proposition."

Xinyi looked at the man, curiosity filling her eyes. "W-what exactly are you g-going to make me do?" she asked, her voice showing a bit of fear.

Crowley notices this, and smiles reassuringly at her. "No need to fret, I'll have you do maintenance and odd jobs around campus." he stated, his smile melting away her worries. "From what I can see, you're pretty decent at cleaning. Would you two like to become the 'handymen' of the school? This way you will receive special permission to remain on school grounds. I shall also allow usage of the library for you to gather information on how to return to your world and for learning purposes. For I am gracious. However! Only after your work is done."

The girl was a bit shocked but she realized that it might be the best fit for her. This wouldn't be much different from her life back at home, so she could do it. She was also being given access to a library, to learn in her own time. To her, it was a generous offer, one she would work hard to keep.

Grim on the other hand was nowhere near happy with this arrangement. "Ehhh!? I'm not okay with that!" he whined, rolling around in Xinyi's arms. "I wanna wear that fancy uniform and be a student!"

"If you're unsatisfied with that, fine. I'll simply toss you out again." The headmaster threatened, a smug grin on his face.

The racoon's eyes widened in fright, instantly regretting his words. "I get it! I just have to do it. Just do it!" he kept telling himself, in hopes to make it better.

Xinyi only smiled at him, petting his head a bit, before turning to the teacher. "Understood." she stated, a clear smile on her lips.

Crowley smiled back at her, glad she looked more calm. "Wonderful. Then, you two..." he placed his hands on the girl's shoulders. "Starting tomorrow, endeavor to be the best handymen at Night Raven Collage!"

After that, the three of them went downstairs to eat. There was some soup, and some tuna waiting on a table, as well as drinks. They chatted a bit before the headmaster left for the night, promising to return with both food and clothes in the morning. With now full stomachs, the two left for bed.

"Aha! This is the biggest room!" Grim cheered as he ran around. There wasn't much to the room,  a bed and a covered chair were the only furniture. There was also a fireplace and two windows covered in blue curtains. The room was a mess, but was at least sleepable.

Grim chose to stay at the end of the bed, falling asleep immediately, no care in the world. Xinyi chose to stay awake, sleep not finding her as easily. It never has in the past.

The more decisions that you are forced to make alone, the more you are aware of your freedom to choose.

~ Thornton Wilder


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