This needs to be said (Noting important)

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Yeah yeah... I haven't up load a new chapter or the next prologue. I didn't want to spoil the parts of this story but not having working on the chapter or the prologue. I might as well tell what goes on in this story.

In the chapter. The slayer arrived at some random place of the city of Japan in the middle of the street. Later he sees a party or event going on inside of the ally or the building. He then encounters a demon wolf kid who's in charged letting the guests in. The demon wolf kid stops the slayer and told him that he's not on the list...

The slayer responds by taking the not pad and crushing it, the demon wolf kid was not shock or surprised by that responds, demon wolf kid than told him, he's just like all the others who comes to the event invited or not. Before the demon wolf kid can walk away the slayer stops him by lifting by his shirt from behind and face him.

(Cut part not going  to tell what happens)

No he's not going to die (That's to far)

He goes in the ally or the building then sees a lots of types of demons and people as demon or whatever and sex slaves.

(Cut part not going to tell what happens)

That's how I got the chapter name idea (Blood bath) or you can tell me what to call it

Title name:

After the a party crush, the slayer was badly cover in blood of his killings (later) he got on top of the half of the tallest building and he was given a view of the city He then encounters the lady herself Saku- I mean Asagi. (Cut part not going to tell what happens)

(I honestly don't know who, the slayer should encounter on the building but the real idea should be asagi)

(This is to early to talk about this but in one of chapters or the next he'll run into Asagi again with Kyousuke and Oboro with her demons or meets her for the first time with Kyousuke and Oboro with her demons)

His A.I lets him know that theirs demons in the house witch leads to the room. the slayer points his gun at the wall and fires. (Cut half of the part not going to tell what happens)

The slayer then points his gun at the man and shoots- (Cuts). and the man froze at the tall creature holding a big gun. Before the man can say anything, the A.I voice responds to the man "Move"

(Again Cut half of the part not going to tell what happens)

So yeah Kyousuke will be joining us because well why not? and that's the thing I want to talk about I have been reading some good, fine and nice fanfic of Taimanin its all good and all but theirs one thing that gets me thinking or keeps bugging me....

Why the HELL!? is everyone keep killing Kyousuke!? I mean every fanfic/story I read, Kyousuke is being killed like a lot! and I don't get why?

What I'm saying here is that "What the hell did Kyousuke ever do to you? (or say) What the hell did Kyousuke ever do to you people. At first reading stories of him being in it getting killed 3 times (or more for some reason)

I'm not saying that I hate other peoples story just for killing him. (Their stories are real fun to read by the way :D ) I'm just really confused to why is people killing him.

Well.... I wanted to give my reason why but f***k it its not worth it.

I looked online to see what is he all about (Taimanin fandom by the way) I except him to be a bad boyfriend but.... he's not, he's just a nice guy who gets killed for being himself by loving his girlfriend....


Wait a minuet......


Ok really talk its their stories and I won't tell them how they should write them and of the day their stories are the best.

This is why I do this I will write stories or make stories ideas that other people who haven't try yet. like some made a doom guy reader x taimanin if some one has done that I need to think of something different or make it a little different from the others that people make.

(Hmm I guess that's all, that was said [I hope :( ] anyway I hope you all stay safe and have a nice day by)

P.s forgive for my bad writing

Taimanin: The Taimanin's Silent Hell Walker (18+) [Story idea Adoption]Where stories live. Discover now