III: Bitter Reunion

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III: Bitter Reunion

Third POV

It was 6:00 am, the sun barely peaking from its horizon as last night's snowfall came to a soothing ending. A woman wearing a simple black tank top, and matching open-legged leather pants slipped on a pair of lace-up vine heels. Her blonde hair spiked upwards in an elegant fashion but her red-eyed view panned over to her husband who adjusted his tie.

5 years could make a difference, faint wrinkles due to stress and fatigue grew on their faces but nevertheless, they both pulled through, "Mitsuki dear, are you ready?" The woman's husband questioned.

His voice was wavering, he himself sounded as if he wasn't sure about this meeting they were preparing for. "Yes Masaru, This needed to be done years ago but we just never saw the right chance." She responded with a blank expression.

She picked up her phone, looking at the email sent from an unknown; her thoughts roaming freely for concern of her own child. Conjoining hands, they exited the bedroom, moving quickly to the downstairs portion of their estate, Mitsuki's gaze glossing over the hanging portrait over her flesh and blood.

"It's been a while, and I can't wait to see him again." She uttered, following her husband to the foyer, picking up their winter coats before entering the shiny black car that stood idly for them. Their half-hour descent was now made the destination? Katsuki Clan Base.

Her focus was still, and onto the seemingly endless road. Her husband drove steadily, seconds passing, both eager to see how their son had grown from the last time they spoke.

. . .

It was rather dark in the main home master bedroom, but despite this, One of its residents was wide awake after a bliss-filled night.

Katsuki prepared himself as always, waking up rather earlier than what he would've liked because the people coming to visit had no other opened time slots for this meeting. But he wasn't surprised, they never made time that benefited anyone but themselves.

He buttoned up his black dress shirt, it being rather fitting as the darkness encapsulated him and his bedroom. His red-eyed gaze slowly panned over to his fiancé, who like most after being dominated for 3 hours straight rested peacefully.

One would've never imagined the screaming coming from this boy if all they saw was how precious he looked when he was asleep. All the while faint traces of hickies and bite marks left on his body as proof of the night. On the floor next to him was the discarded lingerie that barely lasted 3 seconds of being seen before it was ripped off like no one's business.

Katsuki walked over to the boy, planting a firm kiss on his cheek before exiting their bedroom. He arrived downstairs to see Kirishima and the three families heads.

They were the only ones aware of the current dilemma Katsuki was most likely gonna face at this private meeting. Subsequently, a 5-year contact after a heated argument was sure to leave people wary.

It also didn't help how both Katsuki and the people he was meeting with had a fiery attitude.

"You ready, sir?" Kirishima questioned, staring at the blond with a displeased look on his face, merely responding a nod. With that, they were off to the base, heading moments early so it was in tip-top shape before their particular guests arrived.

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