XVI: Baby Kumiko

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XVI: Baby Kumiko

Third POV

Izuku stared down at the blonde-haired woman who gave him nothing but dirty looks. Her pinched brows and small beads of sweat rolled down her face in discomfort; writhing on the floor after being dropped harshly.

This time it wasn't just Izuku and Katsuki, every other A unit member stood in the corners of the room, merely awaiting their orders.

Katsuki sat on the wooden desk. His legs swing back and forth with his eyes closed, the same smile as before still present on his face.

"Camie is and will always be a complete idiot." Tatami started to speak, gazing at the body that was slumped, slowly beginning to drain of color, "All she ever wanted was to be with you and look where that got her."

"Yes we can all see that very well," Katsuki responded, "Yet that still doesn't explain why you of all people would show your face here."

His eyes remained closed, but he could feel the hatred spewing from the lady of the Shindo clan. How wonderful it felt to bask in her animosity.

"I came for my friend, that is all." Tatami answered, "I tried to warn her that attempted murder and actually killing his mother would do nothing but harm, but she refused to listen to me."

She let out a weak laugh, "I'm actually kinda embarrassed for myself; I allowed her to convince me that it was for the greater good."

"Greater good?" Katsuki scoffed, "What good does killing me have to do with any of this?" opening his eyes, feeling a hand on top of his own to see Izuku with a glare on his face.

"Not you. Him." Tatami nodded off in Izuku's direction, making all heads turn to the green-haired boy who had an unturned expression.

"Oh? So the plan was to kill Izuku? That doesn't make much sense either, wouldn't it be smarter to just kill the head and move on?" Katsuki narrows his brief, "Ah, but wait, you let Camie lead you on, didn't you?"

He chuckled, not a single ounce of remorse in his voice when he finished his sentence," It's that exact line of reasoning is why Yo Shindo died, husband like wife, I suppose."

God how she hated him.

Wanting to wipe that volatile smirk off his face would be something she wished for even if it cost her final breath.

"So boss, what would you have us do?" Todoroki questioned, garnering the attention of everyone else in the room.

Katsuki raised his brows, scooting off the table and pulling Izuku closed within his grasp, so this time he'd be facing Tatami head-on.

"I'm not the one to give her, her awaited consequence." Katsuki shrugged, "If it was Izuku's head she was after then he gets to decide."

He looked into Izuku's eyes, his eyes dangerously glazed over, "And absolutely nothing is off-limits."

Instead of Katsuki, everyone's eyes shifted to Izuku who'd remained quiet, knowing that he could do whatever he wanted seemed rather pleasant.

He started down at Tatami whose head hung low, slowly adjusting her posture so she'd be sitting on her knees, the idea that she'd possibly lose her life was okay in a way.

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