Chapter 15

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"Bella wake up," I whispered as I tried to shake Maya awake. Unless Maya was working an overnight shift it was almost impossible to wake her up.

"Maya, bambina, please wake up. I have to go," I said a little louder. The blonde still wouldn't budge.

"Maya, wake up!" I half yelled as close to her ear as I could get, trying my best to not wake Ezra up as well.

"What happened?!" she yelled back, sitting up in the process.

"I have to go in to work for a while, I just wanted to let you know," I replied.

"Really Carina? That could have been a note," she responded in an annoyed tone, plopping back into her pillow.

"I know but I also wanted to warn you about the fact that you'll have to stay with Ezraa, by yourself, until I get back," I said. I now knew how Maya felt about having Ezra and expected her to feel a little apprehensive about having to spend time with him on her own.

"Mmmhmmm" she grumbled in annoyance. I grabbed my stuff and made my way out the door, hoping the pair wouldn't get into too much trouble on their own.

Maya POV:

I woke up again a few hours later. I looked over at the clock and realized it was only seven in the morning. Carina must have left sometime in the middle of the night or early morning. I walked over to Ezra's room quickly taking a peek. He was still sound asleep in his bed, his mouth slightly open. I decided to make my way into the garage, hoping to get a work out before I had to start child duty.

I changed out of my pajamas and set everything up in the garage, laying out a mat and popping my headphones in before starting my pre-workout stretches. I was just about to start my playlist when I started to hear little cries coming from upstairs.

"Seriously?" I sighed. For the second time today someone interrupted one of the most important parts of my day.

"Rina! Maya!" Ezra cried. I quickly made my way upstairs as the boy's cries seemed to get louder and louder. I found him sitting at the top of the stairs. His hands over his ears as he rocked back and forth.

"Hey bud, hey, hey" I said, taking a seat next to him. I tried to grab his hands but he quickly pulled them away and placed them back over his ears.

"Okay, Ezra, it's okay bud, come on," I tried again. I pulled him into my lap and held him tightly hoping that my presence would be enough to calm him. I had done this with Carina plenty of times but I knew her. I knew what would trigger her further and what would help, but when it came to Ezra I knew nothing.

"It's okay baby, you're okay. I've got you," I soothed. I was now the one rocking back and forth, trying my best to soothe the crying child in my arms.

"Ugh Carina would be so much better at this," I sighed, "okay buddy I need you to look at me," I placed my hand under his chin, making him look up.

"Good job, now breathe," I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out as Ezra mimicked my motions. After a few deep breaths the child had finally calmed enough to tell me what was wrong.

"What happened?" I asked. I expected for him to respond that he had a nightmare or something of the sort, his separation anxiety not once crossing my mind.

"You left. You and Rina left. You weren't there," he whimpered.

"Oh buddy I'm sorry. Ezra look at me, Rina and I would never leave you okay? We will always come back," I reassured. Ezra nodded and placed his head back onto my chest. I held him for a little while longer until my stomach let out a large growl causing us both to laugh.

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