Chapter 14

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We had been in the ER for a few hours before Ezra was finally given his own bed on the pediatrics floor. He had just gotten settled when Dr. Karev came in to do his evening rounds.

"Hey there bud, what's your name?" greeted the doctor.

"Hi, I'm Ezra," he responded shyly.

"Nice to meet you Ezra, how are you feeling?" asked Karev. I always appreciated how he directed the majority of his questions toward the child. He ensured that they felt included and made the situation a bit less stressful by keeping them in the loop.

"I'm kay, my leg hurts," responded Ezra, gesturing to where Dr. Bailey had administered the Epi pen.

"Ah yes, that might be a little sore for a couple of days. Can you tell me what happened?" continued Alex as he pulled out his stethoscope, listening to the boy's lungs.

"Well, I was eating a Peanut butter jelly samwich that Maya made and it started to tickle so I told Carina and they brought me here, and then I couldn't breathe anymore and then bam!" he said, jabbing his tiny fist into his other thigh as he mimicked a stabbing motion. I smiled at how animated he was while talking, always using his hands to communicate. It reminded me of myself. I looked over at Maya who was lost in thought once again. She had the same look on her face as earlier. I reached my hand over to hers and gave it a little squeeze, snapping her out of her thoughts. She gave me a sad smile before returning her attention back to the doctor.

"Wow, that must have been scary," added Karev to which Ezra just nodded in agreement, a wide eyed look on his face. The doctor quickly reiterated what Dr. Bailey had told us in the ER.

"It's important to keep him overnight since anaphylaxis symptoms can sometimes return even after the adrenaline shot, but if everything remains the same you should be able to take him home tomorrow afternoon. Just keep an eye on him the next few days, and no more peanut butter," he explained, pointing his finger at little Ezra as he walked out of the room.

"Bambino, I'm going to talk to Maya for a bit. We'll be right at the door if you need anything okay?" I said. Ezra just nodded, his eyes never moving away from the cartoon show playing on the television. Maya had been in and out of a constant state of daydream that entire afternoon. I knew better than to pry when it came to Maya, but something was clearly bothering her and it couldn't wait any longer. I grabbed the blonde by the hand and guided her out into the hallway.

"What's going on bella? I can see that something is bothering you," I asked.

"It's nothing. I'm fine," she responded, a forced smile on her face.

"It's not nothing. You've been quiet ever since we got home, talk to me bambina," I said, placing my hand on Maya's cheek. I felt her relax into my touch, she had a sad expression on her face. I could tell she wanted to talk but didn't know how to express it.

"I lied to you," she responded. My heart sank at the revelation, causing me to remove my hand from where it previously rested.

"What do you mean you lied to me?" I asked. Maya stayed quiet, her gaze fixated on the floor. I waited for her to respond but I still wasn't receiving an answer.

"It's Jack isn't it," I said angrily.

"What? No, Carina, that was years ago. You know I would never do that again," she said, immediately looking up at me.

"Then?" I asked.

"When I told you we should go looking for Ezra, I lied. I didn't actually want to, but I knew you did, and I would do anything if it meant seeing you happy again," she sighed.

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