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21 October 2001 ; 11:27pm Detroit
It was raining. As always we could hear screams and music all over the neighborhood. It was usual in Detroit where the crime rate was the highest. Even with a shitty weather like today, people would still manage to terrorize each other, steal, rape, and kill whoever annoyed them a little bit or had the misfortune to be near them after a rough day of work.
Riopelle St was dark and scary. There were a very famous bar, a Chinese restaurant and a grocery store. The building were old and dirty but the rent wasn't very expensive so many broken families would opt for this place. After all, it was just a room where to sleep, a kitchen where to eat if you had enough money and more importantly, a safe place for the night. Or at least the most safe you could obtain for 500$ per month.
On the corner of this obscur alley, was a building where a new couple moved in the 3rd appartement a couple of months ago. Maria and Frank got married a month after Maria got pregnant. She was 19 but Frank was 34. They met at the bar where the young lady used to sing and where the dirty pervert use to come with his friends.
It was a New Year Eve and Maria got drunk for the first time of her life. Yes, it wasn't very common to first get drunk at 19, but Maria wasn't a very common girl. She liked cats and rap, candies and extremely spicy food, she would be afraid of singing in front of people but then go the gym and box for the rest of the day. Maria Miller was that kind of women who you would fall in love with. She was kind and sweet, but not too much. She would either play piano for you or tell you to go fuck yourself. Her long dark hair and her pink checks matched perfectly as if nature wanted her to be the perfect reincarnation of Snow White. Unfortunately, life isn't a Disney movie, and even the most beautiful thing may end too soon. On the New Year Eve, Maria Miller met Franks Hernandez. She was the sun, he was the clouds hiding it when it's raining. She was nature he was the human, always destroying it. When he first saw her, he found her beautiful. She found him handsome too. Little did she know that behind this beautiful face, hid a real asshole.
Frank was a rugbyman, and because of that, his body was well sculpted. He was rude and had no respect for women or humans in general. He was arrogant and thought that he was better than everyone else. He was known for his excessive violence and his adoration for the female body. His father, a Mexican farmer, died of SIDA, leaving behind him 5 hungry children. Frank was the middle one, the only boy. When his father died, he slowly started becoming like him. He had the same habits, the same expression and he would repeat the same misogynistic phrases, even to his sisters. "Women are made to please men so make dinner and shut the fuck up before I give you a real reason to complain" "Bitches like you must shake their ass for men like me so hurry up and remove those damn clothes before I make you swallow this huge dick of mine" " Remember you are nothing compared to me" Yes, Frank was an asshole while Maria was an angle and they should have never met. However, it happened. Maria fell in love with the idea of love and Frank though that she had a nice butt. They finished the night at the girl's place and a few week after, Maria was pregnant. Frank, who wasn't prepared to be a father, to take his revenge married Maria so she won't leave him the baby and run away. Yes he was a real asshole.
So we are back in Riopelle St, near the OneBuck bar, in the 3rd appartement of that dirty building. Maria was screaming and crying on the floor and Frank was casually sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand.
Maria : Frank please I beg you! He is coming I feel it! The baby is coming! Please I don't want him to die! Please help me! Take me to hospital!
Frank: Shut the Fuck up. You dirty bitch think I am gonna miss the football match to take you and your fucking baby to hospital? You think I am a billionaire or something ? I don't have the time and the money for that. You already have a house so feel blessed I let you live here with me. And go grab me some beer this one is empty.
Maria: Please... I beg you... please... he... he is coming... it's your son... it's ...your... son....
Frank: Tch hey dumbass! Can't you see you are putting blood all over the floor?! Who do you think is gonna clean all this mess?! Go grab something and clean me this shit! And I am still waiting for my beer! You want to me get angry or what?!
Maria managed to reach the wall. There she started pushing. After 15min the baby was finally out. She didn't know if she would survive but she was unconditionally happy. Her son was born! After 9month of pregnancy he was finally born. She was crying out of joy, and with a piece glass she cut the umbilical cord connecting her to the baby. She hold him in her small hand so he wouldn't get cold
Maria: I already love you so much...
Frank: Hey freak what did I told you 20min ago?! You know what? Never mind I am going out with some friends I'll be back tomorrow so you better clean everything up if you don't want me to kill you. Am I clear?!
Maria: Yes you are.
He then grabbed his jacket and his shoes and went out, letting his wife sitting on the floor, around a pool of her blood.
Maria: Hey little boy, you see this big man there? It's your dad Frank.
The television was still on and a French program was on TV. The main character, an old man, Alexander, was living in the mountains with his granddaughter Laëtitia. His was happy with just the strict minimum.
Maria: He reminds me of my father Ben. He was always happy even though we were poor.
She smilied as an idea came to her mind.
Maria: Alexander Ben Hernandez. You'll be named after two great men who didn't have a lot but yet managed to be happy. I am sure you'll have a lovely life. I'll do anything to. I love you my son, and I promise to protect you no matter what.

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