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05 March 2010, Detroit' primary school
Alex arrived school around 8:00 a.m. Marcus was waiting for him on the courtyard, a bright smile on his face.
Marcus: Alex! Over here! Look what I brought!
Alex: good morning Marcus! Show me!
The boy took out of his pocket a set of Pokémon cards. There were rare ones, and five dating back to the 90'.
Alex: wow! Where did you get them?
Marcus: my cousin is a huge fan and he gave me his collection!
Alex: that's awesome!
The two kids started debating which card was the best, had the best design etc... Unfortunately, the bell rang at 8:30, announcing that they had to go to class. They had to attend a boring math course, a useless science lesson and a long English class. At the end of the day, they both were exhausted,  but happy the day ended. Yes, even Alex was happy that he could go home, which was rare. In fact, he was exited because he wasn't actually going home but he was going to the cafe where his mom works. They both agreed that he could come today since he finished earlier and she had no representation that afternoon. So he grabbed his backpack, greeted his best friend and started walking to Ben and Jon's Cafe.

05 March 2010, 10:00am ;Detroit Ben and Jon's Cafe
Maria arrived a the cafe early. Well, 10 am was early for her. She woke up at 9am, ate her breakfast and went work. All that, without waking up Frank which was exceptional for her. She planned a couple of days ago to meet Alex today at her job place. She already practiced her performances, finished writing the lyrics of her new songs, and even started recording them. Everything was ready, and all she was waiting for was her son ,who arrived a few minutes after.
The little boy removed his coat, happy and exited to stay with his mother.
Alex: What did you plan to do today mommy? Are we gonna play guitar or anything?
Maria: yeah! Why not practicing that song we started last time? Did you improve your playing sweaty?
Alex: yes a bit, but I prefer when you're with me, giving me advices.
They two then grabbed their respective instruments. Maria was sitting in front of her piano, putting a shit of paper where she write some melodies next to her. Alex grabbed his guitar. It was a normal one, not a small one since he was enough tall to have a normal one. He bought it last Christmas with the money he won while working for the neighbors as a babysitter. It wasn't a very expansive one, since he only had 37$. It has been used by a lot of people before him, but it didn't alter for him. He found it even a bit poetic. This musical instrument had a story, a life, and he was just a heir to this rich musical legacy. The guitar was black, with some red and yellow stickers on the side. The previous owner wrote a quote in the frond with a white pen, which makes it look like a bit vintage and collector. Some people may find it ugly, old and in a poor condition, but not Alex. He loved it. It was his guitar. He worked for it. He bought it with his money and it meant so much for him.
After tuning their instruments, the two musicians started playing. They played the first song Maria ever wrote in 2002. The music notes started filling in the place, penetrating their soul and body, and taking their thoughts away on a little boat. Every single score they played made them fly higher and higher. No one was talking, they were just playing, enjoying the sound of the piano perfectly matching the melody of the guitar.
When the melody reached its end, the two took a few seconds, like if their souls needed time to come back to real life.
Alex: Even after all this time I still loves this song.
Maria: Hell yes! It's one the best authentically tracks I have ever composed.
Alex: Yes! Let's make it our song!
Maria: what like our song?
Alex: Yes mommy! Like every time I'll miss you, I'll play this song like if you were there, playing it with me!
Maria: oh darling, I'll always be there to play it with you!
Alex: i love you more then the stars!
Maria: and I love you even more then the moon.
The little family took a few minutes to drink some water and choose the next track. They agreed on a balade, with lyrics this time. The song has been composed by a French group named "VideoClub". It was a love song that they both really liked and hopefully, they new the lyrics by heart.
They started playing the first notes. It was a ballad, with quite happy vibes. They started singing the first lyrics together.
Dans mon esprit tout divague, Je me perds dans tes yeux (in my mind everything rambles, I get lost in you eyes)
Je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux (i drown in the wave of your loving gaze)
Je ne veux que ton âme divaguant sur ma peau (i only want your soul to wander on my skin)
Une fleur, une femme dans to cœur Roméo (A flower, a women in your heart Romeo).
They both knew them by heart. They loved the vibe that got out of that song. The fact that everyone could understand it in a different way. Someone could take it as a sad song, but another one could feel it like the most happiest song on earth. And that's what Alex and Maria loved about music. The fact that every song is perceived differently by every one. It depends on your feelings, sometimes your mental state, or even just way that you decide to understand the melody. Music is like a parallel universe where you can't take your body, to access to the door you need to open your mind, to accept some facts like the differences between each human being. Once you understand that, you will really see the world and not just watch it from only one position. You will be able to see every single emotion emanating from this beautiful universe that we live in. Life is short, even though it is hard sometimes. You may fall but you'll always finally find your perfect melody, that vibe that will hold you back so you don't fall in a bottomless pit.

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