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23 August 2002, Detroit
It was a hot sunny day, as every summer day. Frank, who was now a rugby coach, went to work, leaving Maria and Alexander alone.
Maria: So it's just you and me, right sweetheart?
She cooked lunch for her and her son with all the love a mother could give, playing from time to time with Alexander and forgetting that she left the hoven turned on. From afar, one could believe she was happy, but deeply inside she knew that she was in danger. Frank scared her and she knew it was just a matter of time until he'll start beating her or worse, beating Alex (she gave him this nickname so it was easier for him to learn his name). She made sure everything was perfect at home, and she would do everything Frank asked for but it was never enough. She married a monster and she just discovered it. She thought that she was in love, that she experienced "love at first sight", but it was a fantasy. A utopia she imagined because she felt alone. Her parents disowned her after they learned she got pregnant from a stranger. If only they knew that instead of disowning her they should have just helped her, if only they knew that Maria didn't need a punishment, she needed help. But it doesn't work like that, you can't always get want you want or need. They didn't even searched for explanation and just throw her out of the house, without even letting her getting her stuff back. Unfortunately, she didn't understand her mistake until it was too late. When she realized what she did, she was already married to a tyrant that brutalized her. Frank Hernandez became in a matter of months her worst nightmare. She couldn't leave, she was trapped. She couldn't leave Alex with this monster. He would kill him. And she couldn't take her son with her because of this stupid marriage. Divorce would be too expansive for her so her only option was to change Frank or try to survive until Alexander would get old enough to choose with who he wanted to live.
Maria spent the afternoon with her son, playing and joking around. At 7pm she made sure he was sleeping before Frank got back from work.After she put Alexander to sleep, she started cooking dinner. She was in the kitchen when her lovely husband got back from work.
Maria: Good morning darling did you have a great day?
She didn't mean it. She couldn't care less about his day, but she felt like it would be impolite if she didn't ask. If only she knew what was Frank occupation...
Frank: Shut up slut. Give me dinner.
Maria: yes the pasta are almost ready and-
Frank : WHAT?! Pasta again?! Are you kidding me?! Don't you know how to cook anything else?!
Maria: We only had that in the fridge and-
Frank: I don't care! Go find yourself a job! I won't provide food for you and your stupid son anymore! I am not your slave! Do you know how tiring it is to be a rugby coach?! And instead of treating me like the perfect husband I am, you cook me pasta?! Who do you think I am?! You really want me to beat this ass of yours uh?! Go find something better 'cause I swear to god if you give me pasta tomorrow I'll beat you to death.
Maria: yes I am sorry... I'll find something better for tomorrow
Frank: you better do.
Yes, that was Maria quotidian. She was insulted and belittled by her husband. This was breaking her a little bit more every day. She gave Frank his food and beer, and went to sleep as usual.

17 September 2002, Detroit
Frank just went to work, and Maria was at home with Alex.
Maria: Today we have a very important thing to do darling. You have to come with me to the café where I am gonna start working.
The little boy was looking deeply at his mom with his bid grey eyes. He had pink checks and a small teeth was starting to appear. When his mom was talking, he was always laughing or smiling as if the only sound of her voice made him happy. As Maria was brushing her hair, he was trying to reach it to touch it. This view made the mom smile. God she loved him. He was her favorite human. She would kill with no hesitation for him. His smile was her reason of being. She gave him all the love a mom could give to her son. She was sure of one thing: he will have a happy life. Even if that means that she won't.
After she got ready, the beautiful lady grabbed her bag and went out with her son. She took the direction to the cafe, not minding the dirty streets and the homeless man who was sleeping in the street in front of her building. On her way to her new job, she took the time to admire her neighbor. It was a typical street, except that we could notice the poverty of its occupants. Every window was closed as the doors. Some walls had blood marks or bullet marks. Everybody had their heads down, ashamed of their situation or just afraid of catching attention for some of them. The atmosphere was thick and melancholic. But even in that awful environment, Maria was amazed by the sun shining and it's reflection on the piece of glass on the floor. It as a beautiful match of color that reminded her of a rainbow or candies. Some water drops gracefully put themselves on the leaves of a magnificent tree. The birds were singing their casual melody, light and harmonious. A little girl was playing in a park with a piece of wood, her caramel hair was shining at the sun and the huge smile on her face illuminated her little red face. Even in the darkest room, we can find a bit of light. And it's on those last thoughts that Maria reached the cafe with Alex, who was sleeping in her arms.

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