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11 November 2007; Detroit, Riopelle St, Hernandez' appartement
Alex wakes up due to the sun's light through his window. Franks is asleep since he was fired from his job due to abuse towards minor. The brat though that his acts wouldn't be punished and the worst is that they weren't. He got fired but yet didn't get judged or incriminated. They laws aren't really respected in Detroit due to the high criminal rate and the corruption in the legal system.
In the dirty apartment that was occupied by the Hernandez family, Franks was sleeping in the room and Maria was in the kitchen. She didn't sleep this night again because of the several injuries Frank inflicted on her. She also had wounds on her wrists, not due to her husband abuse this time but to her own self harm. A bunch of pills were thrown on the table with a bottle of whiskey. When she heard the sound of her son's door opening she quickly started cleaning everything, making sure she removed the blood stains on the floor, and took away the pills that could be lethal to the little boy. She put the milk on the hover and took out the cereals from the cupboard. The time it takes for Alex to get dressed and wash his teeth, Maria had already cleaned up everything. She didn't want to scare her son. She knew how much Franks scared him and she didn't want to be his nightmare too. But she felt guilty. Why did she gave birth to him in such a toxic environment? Why couldn't she just be enough brave to runaway with him? Why couldn't she protect him? He was her son, yet she couldn't even accomplish her mother obligation. Knowing that Alex will probably be traumatized because of her lack of courage made her sick, but at the same time she couldn't do anything to change it. She was scared. Frank scared her, life scared her, she was even scared by herself, by what she could do oic she breakdown one day. But it wasn't the rights time to overthink. Now she had to put on her mask of the perfect mother and face the most precious person on earth for her. She put on a big smile, maybe a bit too fake, and started humming a song of Justin Timberlake that Alex liked. When the little boy entered the kitchen, he wasn't shocked since he was used to his mom "cleaning" before he arrives. The blood stains were still really viewable and a tab of pills was forgotten on the table. However, he acted like he didn't saw anything because last time he asked his mom started crying and of course he didn't want to make mommy cry. After all, she was the last person in this house who was still smiling, even tho it was a fake smile.
Alex: Good morning mommy! How was your night? Did you sleep well?
He knew she didn't. He heard her crying when he woke up because of a nightmare. But he still asked so she doesn't get suspicious about his nightmares or his sleep problems.
Maria: Yes I did darling! How about you? Did you dream of something?
Alex: I don't remember my dream! Maybe next time, I'll remember it and tell you!
Maria: maybe darling. Do you want cereals? You must eat before going to school!
Maria didn't knew that she had to prepare Alex a lunch box and he didn't want to tell her. He knew it would give her more works to do and he didn't want to be a burden for her. So he let her believe they gave them lunch at school. The teachers don't pay much attention to the students anyway. After taking his breakfast, the little boy took his backpack and a banana and went to school. On his way to school, he started looking at the sky, wondering why he couldn't fly with birds. This question fascinated him and he did ask Maria one day why:
Alex: mommy?
Maria: yes sweetie?
Alex: why can't I fly like birds? It must be so cool to touch clouds and see everything from upside!
Maria: I don't know darling. However your grandma told me once that if you fly too close to the sun, your wings might get burned.
Alex: we'll, at least I would have fly...
Maria: I promise you one day, I'll take you to the skies! We will fly across the stars and the clouds like birds do!
Alex: Really?! I can't wait for that day then!
Maria: haha so do I!
End or flashback
The little boy finally reached school, just before the bell rang announcing that the students had to go to class. He entered his classroom, trying not to look at the other students, since he never talked to them, and he sat at his usual place in the back of the classroom.
Teacher: Okay every body, today you are going to work by groups of two. I all want you to find your pair.
Alex didn't make a move. Nobody in the class really appreciates him maybe due to his amazing marks or the fact that he is taller the other kids, but he didn't really care.
On the other side of the class, a little brown haired boy was being pushed by a chubby blond kid.
-I don't want you stay with me Brazicus! Your skin is so weird you look like a reversed cow! Go find someone else to work with !I'm gonna work with Chloe 'cause she is nice! Now go away!
-i-I'm sorry... I'll see you at lunch then!
The little boy grabbed his backpack and started looking for a partner since his "friend" didn't want him near him. "It's okay" he tough "we don't have to always be together" he repeated in his head. His heart was shattered but he was used to that. It was the definition of friendship he had. Since he never really had friends he doesn't really know what it looks like to be loved as a human and respected. He noticed after three minutes of searching a little boy with black hair, that seemed to be alone. He grabbed his courage and headed to Alex' table. This was the beginning of his most amazing yet most painful relationship.

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