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          And Time passed, again. Alex is still growing up. He reached 9 year old a few months ago. He is now in 4th grade like Marcus. They are both still in the same class, and are still best friends. They grow up together, detached from their classmates.
At home, things didn't get any better. The fighting scene are more usual, Frank is becoming more and more violent with his wife and son, and his alcohol problem became his excuse for not working, meaning Maria is the only one able to bring money and food at home. Talking about her, she became more and more addict to drugs, trying new ones that her colleagues gave her to escape reality. She still sings to earn money, and also play piano. However she, time to time, has to prostitute her body in secret to pay the home rent. She tries to smile, but acting is getting more and more difficult every day. The only thing motivating her to not give up is her son. Him growing a bit faster every day, his little smile when he manages to play a guitar score, or just the little sparkle in his deep grey eyes when he told her how much the book he read was amazing. All those little things maintained her alive, and gave her hope for the futur.

04 March 2010, 11:27pm ; Detroit, Riopelle St, Hernandez' appartement
A bang was heard. Screams and cries filled the appartement. What was the reason ?you may ask. Well it's easy: he was drunk again. He was drunk, she got back from work late that night, and their son was just eating in the kitchen.
A few minutes ago:
He got angry after her for never being here for him, even though he was a total brat and that she was the only one needing saving. Maybe she had smoke one or two joint before going back home, so things were a bit confused in her head.
Frank: Hey you! You... you little slut! Why did you come home now? It's fucking 11pm ! A woman must not be alone in the street at night! And don't lie to me!
Maria: I was working.
Frank: liar.
Maria:i swear!
Frank: I don't care. It's still not a good reason.
Maria: I had to work because you are useless. You don't work, you don't help us, you just stay here with you shitty friends, drinking all day and taking shit about me and Alex. When you are not here, I'm happier then ever, really.
Frank : what did you say bitch? APOLOGIZE!
Maria: no! I meant it!
A slap. It wasn't the first time he hit her, she was used to way worse. But the difference is that this time,Alex was here, watching them, scared. He got up from his chair, shaking from fear but determined. He stood in front of his father, giving him a death stare.
Alex: never touch my mother again.
He was pure and naive. He tough that if he ordered him to do something he would obey. If only he knew that it's not a 9 years old kid who is gonna scare a monster like Frank.
Frank: are you giving me order? Think well kid, I could kill you and your mother in a matter of seconds.
He should have left. He should have ran into his room, hiding under his bed like he is used to. But no, he chose to react, to try something this time.
Alex: I won't watch you in silence making my mommy cry again.
He was young, naive, pure, but a bit too mature for his age. A normal 9 year old kid would have started crying, or would have ran away. But not Alex. He stood here, his hands shaking, determined to save his mommy.
A slap, then another, then a punch, and another one. Blood on the floor, a scream, and a laugh.
Frank: so I only needed to punch you so you would shut the fuck up! You see! It's not that difficult! You are quiet now. But you got me angry and you disrespected me. I'll need to punish you.
Maria: No!
Frank: no?
Maria: punish me instead. It's my fault, I didn't educate him well. Punish me but don't touch him. Please, I beg you...
Frank: I do whatever I want to do. But you are right. If I had educated this brat, he would have been perfect. That's because you are a women. Well I will punish you but I want him to watch, since he interfered earlier. That way, he'll learn.
So Frank did the only thing he knew: destroying. It was the most long hour of Alex' life. His mom being abused by his father, him watching this horrible scene with fear in his eyes. He wanted to hide under his bed, to hug his pillow because it smelled like his mommy. He wanted to wake up because he believed it was a nightmare. Just another illusion his mind came up with to scare him, or prepare him for the worst situation. "Why me?" "Couldn't it have been another one?" "Why me?" "What did I do wrong to deserve that?" Not tears was falling down his eyes. He learned that crying was for weak people. His mother tough him that crying was for weak people. Maria on the other side was on the floor, begging Frank to stop. Why? Her day was perfect. She composed a new melody, she laughed with Joe, the cafe owner. She smoked a joint before coming home. Her day was amazing until she got back home.
For godknowwhat reason, Frank stopped his carnage, and went to his room. Immediately after the monster left his crime scene, Alex stood up and hugged his mother.
Maria: Shh it's over darling, it's over... go to bed okay? You have school tomorrow
Alex: But you-
Maria: this isn't about me baby, go to bed okay? Did you do your homework?
Alex: yes but-
Maria: perfect, go to bed now. Mommy is gonna wash her face then come give you the late night kiss okay?
Alex: okay mommy.
The little boy went to his bedroom, still traumatized but acting like everything was fine as his mom told him to do. He was in his bed, waiting for his mom to wish him goodnight. In the bathroom, Maria was crying in her bath. She looked at the dryer, but stoped herself before committing a mistake. Her arms were covered with wounds and the water was colored with her blood. After an hour, she changed her clothes covered her arms and dried up her tears. She then went to sleep, forgetting to kiss her son as she promised. Alex didn't say anything the next morning, he was used to his mom forgetting him. After all he wasn't her actual main problem, he was a just a burden to her, a pebble in its side.

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