Chapter VI : The hidden truth.

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"Jisung-hyung? Is that you?" oppa said

"Oppa, do you know him?" I asked

"Y-yeah, he's an old friend back in england" He said " Hyemi, you can go take your drink and sit with those idiots first. I want to talk to him... alone" I nodded and took my frappuccino and sit with the bunny and alien who were chatting and laughing (really loud). I wonder what they're talking about...




After the conversation finished my brother walked back to our table and sat down on the seat in front if me. His face seems paled.

"Hyemi-ah,... who was the guy you were with again? The one you gave nickname to." He suddenly asked. I was frozen for a second, surprised by his sudden question.

"He is Park Jimin. Why?" I asked

"Do you know- nevermind" He stoppdd midway through the sentence. "Let's go home. Its already 4:55 we have to be home before 5 remember?" he said as he forced a smile.

One the way back home it was just Taehyung, Jungkook and me who were talking, my brother was just walking in silent. As we reached the neighborhood we separate our way since it was a big neighborhood and our house are different ways. We reached our house, I stop but my brother who was spacing out kept on walking while looking at the ground. I looked back at the house again making sure it was house house. 9C that's the right house. I ran in front of him. He finally look up and look into my eyes.

"Oppa, what's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing..." he muttered quietly

"Don't lie, I know something's wrong"

"Let's just go into the house okay?" he said "I'll try my best to explain to you even though... you're supposed to get your last life's memory back first" he said quietly again.

We walked into the house and went upstairs. I went to my room put my bag on my desk. I changed into comfy clothes and went downstairs. I found my brother talking to my dad downstairs. I hid, I need to know what's going on.

"Appa... today I found Jisung-hyung." Jin-oppa said

"You mean Park Jisung?" My dad said with the shock expression on his face as oppa nodded

"He work at Starbucks near the school. We talked and they are in the same situation as us" oppa said looking down while in the other hand dad listen to him silently "remember the reason why they came back to Korea?" dad nodded "The child was also the Park Jimin"

"No way... does that mean he also have the memory?" dad quickly asked after he have figured out what oppa was talking about. Oppa nodded his head a little.

"Now, Jimin is Hyemi's classmate. They know each other now, appa. But they don't know that they also know each other in their last life"

W-what? I was shock. Like seriously shocked. If they said Jimin was his older brother who have passed away. So I that's mean... I was Kim Hyemi-unnie. But this doesn't make any sense. She wasn't originally their daughter. But the most important thing is... why didn't they tell me?

"Oppa, why didn't you tell me about this?" I walked up to them.

"Hyemi-ah... y-you heard it?" Dad asked. I nodded. Dad looked down and sighed. "It wasn't us who don't want you to know... but you mom said you have to get your memory before you can actually know and understand."

"So you mean in my last life I was Kim Hyemi?" I asked curiously, I really need to know if it's true. They nodded. "Is that why you gave me the painting?"

"That was the painting that she- no you painted when you met Jimin." oppa said

"Well, why do you guys have to be so scared like I'm going to get mad?"

"Are you not mad at us for not telling you?"

"Nah, I mean he's just a friend, right?"

"Actually... you like him. But before you actually realized it... he already passed away."

"But still we just met in this life so I guess we were meant to be friends" I said

"Oppa I wanna go to the arcade can you come with me?" I asked oppa

"Sure. Are you going to invite those idiots too?" Oppa said with a smile. He's probably releived that I wasn't mad at him? I nodded. "Is it okay, dad?"

"Do you have homework?" Dad asked. We both shook our head. "Then sure. Come home before 8, we'll have dinner. Just eat some snack if you're hungry on the way." Dad said as he stood up and walked to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. We walked out of the house heading to Jungkook's house first since his house is closer.

"What number are their houses again?" I asked oppa. They told me this morning but I already forgot. Yes, I have goldfish brain.

"the bunny's farm is 14B and the alien's planet is 20A"

"Farm? Planet?"

"Don't bunnies live in farm and that alien live in Mars?" oppa joked

"I don't know. I guess so. Lets go!"

We reached Jungkook's house. I knocked on the door. After a few seconds the door opened and we were greeted by...


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