Chapter XXXV : Plan D

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He spun me around and put a necklace around my neck. It was a gold heart-shaped locket necklace that have a lock on it.

"What is this?" I asked.

"The necklace I was supposed to give to you a long, long time ago," he smiled.

It's pretty. I opened the lock but there was nothing inside.

"Oppa, there is nothing in here," I said sadly.

He smiled, "Here." He handed me a locket-size-heart-shaped picture. It was a picture of me and Jimin at the amusement park. I smiled, it brings back a lot of memory.

"Why don't you put it inside?" he suggested.

I opened the locket and put the picture in; it fit perfectly. "Now,... there," he locked the locket with his key.

"Now only you and I can see it," he smiled evilly. I chuckled and punched his arm lightly.

"I'll go home now, I'm hungry. Do you wanna come over? I think Jungkook and V are also there," I suggested.

"Sure," he smiled.




"V!!! PUT THAT AWAY!" I yelled.

"Jagiyah, I want to see it too~," Jimin-oppa whined.

V was looking through our childhood album he brought from his house whoch he found it while cleaning his room. And now he's running around the house with the picture of me when I was 5.


"Please?" he made a puppy face.

"No is no,"

"Aww, come on~ I want to see your childhood pictures, your cheeks must be even more chubbier!" he sang.

"V!!!!" I shouted as he was showing Jimin-oppa the picture.

"OH. MY. GOD. Taehyung! Why didn't you show me this before???" Jimin-oppa said as he took the picture from V.

"She is cute, right?" Jungkook smirked.

"Hyemi-ah, mom and dad won't be home for weeks or so because of business trip, okay?" Jin-oppa informed.

I nodded.

"Ah, also, can you help me prepare dinner? I'm making sushi today,"

"YES!!!" the boys cheered in happiness.




I was sitting on the bed watching youtube video with my iPad. Everyone went back homw already.


A messege was delivered from my phone.

Jagiyah, can you come to the park? I want to see you.

- Jimin-oppa

I quickly replied,

Sure oppa, wait for me okay?

-Hyemi reply...

Normally he would say something like: 'don't make me wait too long, okay? I'm going to miss you to death' or 'Okay, be fast! Your oppa is really bored right now' or 'I love you~♡'.


oh well.

I ignored the suspicions and got ready.

"Oppa, I'm going to see Jimin-oppa, okay?" I told Jin-oppa who was eating salad. He nodded in reply.

I got there in five minutes. I looked around and saw a guy with black hoodie. I guess its Jimin, since no one else was there at this time. I walked up to him, "oppa?" I called.

He looked up with a smirk. He wasn't Jimin-oppa. He was a creepy looking guy. Like a killer. He approached me. I was in a mental shock state. I couldn't predict what he'll do to me. I tried to step back but the man grabbed my arm to make me stand still. He gave me an evil grin before he stabbed me with something around my stomach. I looked down... a pocketknife, it was one fifth in my stomach already. It hurts so much that it became numb. Tears fell down my face. He took the knife out and let go of my arm causing me to lost my balance and fell on my knees. My pajamas is now soaked with blood. A figure walked out behind a tree.

"Plan D, Death,"


Another trouble. *shakes head* You can probably guess who it is, right?

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