His post wake-up session

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Their crescent moonlit room was now filling with soft peaceful like Bondita and fresh and lovely like Anirudh amber hue rays of Sun.

It was Anirudh who woke up first that morning when Bondita's long tresses moped his face, turning her back to his chest in deep sleep. When he found these are her silky mane, he slid those soft long material off his face gently so that his sneeze doesn't make it way and disturbs her sleep. 

He cuddled her close to him and once again fell asleep like a permanent cuddling companion of his Bondita. 

Both were sleeping close to each other in that serenity caused by their loving impulses.

It was around 11 am when he finally woke-up, stressing his muscular arms either side. His disheveled hair were provoking him look dashing, even more

He slept really well last night after these 8 days of mentally tiring furlough. When he looked around, he thought it was all just a musical dream, composition made of Bondita as pleasing chords and he was some heart-touching lyrics of that soulful incarnation of that music.

He rested his spine on head board behind and analyzed the whole room again. He quickly realized that it was not all a dream, waving his head horizontally, rubbing his eyes he once again tried to acclimatize him with the reality

Him spending whole night cuddling Bondita was making him nervous but when Bondita's calm and relaxed face reeled in front of his sight, his nervousness was replaced with pure tranquility, he quickly turned his head to look for Bondita beside him.

She was not there, sitting on the bed itself he tried to peep under his bed smiling, assuming she must have started some hide and seek game in the morning only following her mischievous mind's mischievous suggestions. His hands instantly took support of tile floor below his head so that he could not fall on floor as he stumbled a lil, that too over his head managing his whole body weight. He must be careful for himself and his Bondita.

He took a breath of relief that his hand's managed his weight on bed only and searched for his naughty querida in whole room roaming every corner but she was not there, his sight stopped on unlatched door of his room finally and he got to know she had already left his room. 

The smile on his lips was making it's way from his heart today, he went to use the use washroom attached in his room, to proceed ahead for the day. 

The first thing, he did was brushing his ruffled hair standing in front of his reflection and suddenly his hands stopped there when her sweet words echoed in his heart, from last night's confession of hers.

"Aaapke Bikhre hue baal aur yeh thode chubhte hue se gaal, acche lagte hai mujhe. Patibabu!", He was smiling bashfully.

later, his hands caressed his jawline with pricking stubble on it's surface. he could still feel her soft palms caress there. spending some good amount of time on his jaw- line, his right hand pulled the tooth brush from brush holder hung aside.

While brushing his teeth he chocked twice, reminiscing their sweet-sweet confessions. 

He bathed himself under the faucet, and after drying himself with white atrium soft towel, he found the same bath-gown which his Bondita wore last night, hanging there. 

He carefully brought it to his nosy and inhaled it deeply. It was smelling like her and it was his scent, his musk scent this time merged in her sweet  one.

"This musk fragrance, blended in your sweet fragrance is my new favorite fragrance Bondita!", He admitted to himself.

Inhaling their unique fregrantica again he wore their bathrobe, being on cloud nine.

"Hey handsome! Mr. Anirudh Roy Choudhary, aaj yeh normal sa bath-robe tumhe apne kale Barrister Robe se bhi zyada khushi de raha hai. Aise Q?", His reflection swaddled in his Barrister -Robe teased him.

"This is not the Normal Robe Barrister! Did you understand?,", His voice firm. "My Bondita wore it, her sweet fragrance is absorbed in it so update your dictionary about Anirudh Roy Choudhary's favorites. This is his most favorite Robe from now." He declared that and stormed out to his room next.

His Barrister reflection smirked on his possesiveness on things belong to her.

Even though Bondita was the one who was ruling his heart from a long time and at that moment was not present in his room. He could feel her close to him due to that fragranced robe in their fragrantica, on his body .

He couldn't stop himself from praising his own handsome features today, his features belonged to him of course but the smile on his lips and his heart was totally owned by his little mistress.

He combed his hair and was set to moisten his feet's epidermis with some enriched coca lotion. There, he found Her Red Alta's essence was still on his whitish feet, The white sheet on his bed too had some red foot prints. He observed them closely. 

He found out promptly that some of the footprints are the larger ones and belonged to him and the other lil small ones were of his Bondita's. Those were their footprints together.

"What is this indicating?," he thought to himself. "Was it any sort of good-bits that he and Bondita were truly the soulmates and their union was already stamped out on their forced 'ful-sojja' by those pious Alta's imprints."

He smiled. He smiled again wide, wider and the widest

He folded the sheet and preserved it safely in his Cabinet lock considering it a precious treasure and most exquisite memory of their together for the first time.

After locking the cabinet, his hands reached to moisten his feet. The cold touch of his hands on his feet, made him recall how cold were her wet feet when it touched his warm ones for the first time, making him shiver in her embrace. 

He could feel the same shivering sensation now too. 

He moistened his body, being in some kind of daze and locked his room so that his Bondita couldn't catch him, wearing the same bath-robe, which she was hers last night and tell this to whole RC family in some common meeting.

He was smiling thoroughly, his cheeks evidently flushed. The smile on his lips was certainly seraphic through out this post wake-up session, Earned for himself by joint effort of him and his Querida, Bondita due to chaste expression of love on their first Ful-sojja night.


Did I miss something?

Did you all love this different Anirudh(*winks* and *blushes*), let me know in comment section. and thank you all for all the lovely comments on last chapter.

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