Permission slips?

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"Class please hurry up and finish todays papers"

I signed my name and looked over at Parker

"You done?"

"Huh? Oh yeah" she seemed zoned out on me

What's up with that

Maybe she does like me?


"I can take it up, I'm going anyways" I put my hand out for her paper

"Oh thanks" she smiled

"No biggie" I shrugged taking the paper

I smiled sheepishly and took them both up

"Ok good now here you go, why don't you pass those around" he gave me a stack of permission slips

Permission slips?

I gave each row the amount needed and put the rest back

When I got mine I found out it was a permission slip for a field trip

And it's at A waterpark!


"I can't believe we're going to a waterpark" Joey spoke smiling

"I know right,it's like one minute we're doing boring bell work and the next it's fun time-"

"Wait" we all looked towards Parker

"It's says parent signature..our parents aren't gonna let's us go with a bunch of kids and on a school day to a waterpark" we groaned

We looked back at her

"We could trick them" she smirked


"By getting them to sign some papers which will actually be this" she held the paper up

"We just need a plot to get them to actually SIGN" we groaned

The bell rang

We packed our stuff up and walked down the halls

"See ya Joey" Parker and him did a handshake as him and Anthony left

"So I read further into the slip and it said you need a partner, so you wanna be partners?"


She's gonna say no

Now I look like a total idiot

"That would be great" she smiled

"Great" I smiled back

We walked into our chemistry class

We sat next to each other and set our bags down

Parker rested her head on the table as I sat there waiting

The teacher walked in and everyone scrambled back to their seats

I tapped Parkers shoulder and she sat up

"Ok class today since I know all your other classes probably give out homework there will be no homework so I guess since you guys are ahead with work you have a free day-"

Everyone cheered

"Or you could do these coloring sheets if you wish not to you may sit by your friends,use your phone just behave and don't mess with the chemicals in the back!"

I quickly took my phone out and started making convo with this kid conner while playing a game

I saw Parker get up

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