my sunshine- lee donghyuck

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genre: fluff that is so fluffy it can make a grown man cry
hyuck as a clingy bf kinda fits him really well tbh. Also this is a short one bc i had another oneshot planned (for refs, all my oneshots are in a single note in my notes app) and i wanted to start writing it today (hint: its a dreamie heheh)
     Today felt very... slow. Usually, your days go by rather fast, but today wasn't the case. The slow, turtle-paced day made you feel tired, and all you wanted was some quality time with yourself and your lover. Luckily, you have been blessed with the clingiest man you have probably ever met and that is somehow your boyfriend, Lee Donghyuck.

     "Babyyyyyy" Donghyuck said while hugging you from behind.

     "How was your day?"

     "Slow and rather exhausting, but I'm glad you're here because I want to cuddle" You said while turning towards him and pecking his lips.

     A wide smile grew on his face. You knew that Donghyuck loved to cuddle you, your figure fit perfectly in his arms and his cuddles almost always ended with soft, butterfly kisses. Full of excitement, he picked you up and took you to your shared bedroom, gently tossing you on the bed before hopping on himself. His arms wrapped around your waist, gently patting your tummy and tickling you, laughter echoing your room.

     "Hyuck, stop! Hahaha that t-tickles!!" You said while trying to hold back your laughter, but failing to do so.

     "Never!! How else am I supposed to show how much i love my sunshine!!!"

     The rest of you day was full of laughter, kisses, and sweet words between the both of you.

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