here for you, darling- na jaemin

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Genre: slight angst, hurt/comfort, language
⚠️TW: uncensored swearing, mentions of s*lf h*rm⚠️
Hey yall im back with another self-projection😛😛 Anyways I had a rough day and I don't have a Jaemin in my life so here is this :)

Today had not been your day. You were tired from the party you went to yesterday, upset because your plans today got canceled, and the one that hit the most was your father. He called you today yelling at you, saying how he was disappointed in you after asking him for some money to get stuff for a project and he told you that "you should plan shit out better so you aren't crying to me last minute."

It left you in your room, alone by yourself. Your boyfriend, Jaemin, was currently with Renjun going grocery shopping, leaving you alone in your thoughts for a short amount of time. Your father's words kept on repeating like a broken record in your head. It made you think back to all the times you felt like you fucked up terribly, leaving you a broken mess. Tears streamed down your face as you tried to make them stop, but your mind worked against itself, making them fall even harder. You sniffled and cried which led to a full meltdown. Your breath hitched at every sob as you looked around your bedroom, wishing that Jaemin was there to comfort you. You continued your quiet sobbing fest, alone with your cold thoughts.

*timeskip lol*

The front door opened and walked in Jaemin, holding a few grocery bags. He placed them on the kitchen counter and was expecting to see you out in the living room like always, but it seems that wasn't the case. Worried, he looked around the apartment for you, opening every door he could find. The final room he didn't check was your shared bedroom. He heard what sounded like crying coming from there. Connecting the dots, he opened the door to find you, curled up in a crying, sobbing mess.

"Oh, darling.." He said as he lightly ran to your crying body, wrapping his arms around you.

The minute he held you, your sobs grew louder, tears staining his shoulder as you grasped his shirt while you hugged him. The two of you sat there like that, Jaemin caressing your head as he whispered sweet nothings to you in hopes to stop you from crying.

"Baby, please tell me what's wrong. What's making you like this?"

"M-my father called me t-today and y-yelled at me. He said that h-h-he was d-dis-disappointed in me and that made me think of all the times that I have fucked up and hurt everyone. I want to forgive them but I just don't know how to. Hell, there's somedays where i think back to when i used to hurt myself as a punishment for being a stupid, dumb bitch. Nana, I just don't know what to do anymore!"

You finished venting with a loud sob. Jaemin just hugged you tighter, rubbing your back gently. He did some deep breathing exercises as a way to ground yourself before you become even more pent up. As your sobs calmed down, Jaemin went to grab some tissues to clean your face and a bottle of water. He handed you the water and started wiping your tears gently, aware that your crying can start back up any minute. Once he cleaned your face, his lips met yours, a gentle kiss full of reassurance and love. His hands moved to your waist as you cupped his face. The two of you stayed like that for a while, not bothering to try and deepen the kiss, afraid it would ruin the tranquility of it. You pulled away gently, looking at your boyfriend's deep brown eyes.

"Listen, babe. You aren't a fuck-up and you for sure aren't the sole cause of everyone's pain. It may feel like it, but it's not all because of you. There are outside factors as well. Please understand that you have never hurt me and that I will always be here to help you heal; not to make you uncomfortable or full of guilt. I want to help you as much as I can. Finally, if you feel like this ever again, please do not resort to hurting yourself. It's never the right option to go for." Jaemin said as he placed a chaste kiss on your forehead.

"I love you so much, darling. You mean everything to me and I'm so glad I met you."

"Jaemin-ah, I love you so much, too. Thank you for being there when I need it the most."

You two ended up in a tight hug that would last for what feels like an eternity.

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