human messenger

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In this world the giants can do what they want with humans, if they want to kill them, humans are worth nothing to them.

there is only one job that humans can do, and that is to deliver debt or death notices.

This kind of human are the messenger humans.

not all humans can dedicate themselves to this, they have to be strong enough to run away from a giant and succeed.

so some of them prepare for a couple of years to be totally strong.

the human has to always be controlled,...that depends on the giant who buys the human, but they put a locator on them to know where they are at all times, that locator in addition has something to electrify and even kill the human, the locator is put inside the skin of the human so the human cannot remove it whenever he wants.

that locator costs a lot of money so if the human dies that locator is worth nothing, so the giant who killed him has to pay for the locator and that is why this is the only good thing about being a human messenger, that you have a ticket for not dying by a giant.

Well..., I am a human who has been training to be a Messenger for 2 years, I did not choose to have this, a giant took me here and I had to do it by force.

It's horrible to be here, there are more humans doing this, but you don't know anyone, they call us by numbers, and they don't let us talk to anyone either. We can't talk to anyone, not even the giants who train us. If we talk more than we should, they can punish us without eating, and exercising without having eaten... is torture. we do exercise vigorously for 12 hours every day.

obviously the coaches are giants, and they think we have the same physical resistance as them.

Last week we got a test on how to get away from a cat. of course they laughed at us, but it was like fleeing from death, that cat was a huge monster, it chased us as if we were rats, it gave me two serious wounds in the arms, but as we are Human Messengers we have the benefit that they can heal us very easily with their medicine, which is very advanced

Yesterday they told me that I had been bought by a man, so today I had to prepare and pack things, to leave this horrible place.

I was gathering my things, which were basically some clothes.

"203, HE IS WAITING FOR YOU, HURRY" the coach of my group shout to me and started clapping his hands to make me hurry, the shout he just gave me was not enough, no, he has to clap next to my ears to piss me off.
I covered my ears to stop hearing that repetitive painful sound, "hey, hey, hey, don't cover your little ears number 203..., you know that..., you have to listen to me at every fucking time ...hahhaha" He approached his huge hand to remove my hands from my ears, of course, he did it very easily, even if I resisted he would not notice it, he has much more strength than me, That makes me very angry, because if I were his size I would be a thousand times stronger than him. "come on! pick up your things and do it quickly" he said as if he were a policeman, he left and I finished picking up.

I arrived at the collection site, there was a very well dressed giant man, "here you are, this is your owner now" said the giant who had just made me almost deaf with his claps and shouts, "you know what to do, come on, get into the cage" He opened the cage and without saying a word I got in, as he said, I already knew what to do, if I refused to do something they would not let me leave.

"Well, you can go now sir, everything is agreed as you want, thank you. Byeeee 203... I'll miss youuuu" the last thing he said in the voice of a little boy.
the well dressed man took the cage I was in and took it out of the building.

we got to his car and he sat down, he left the cage on the passenger seat , he didn't start driving, he sighed and looked at me, "human..., listen to me" I stared at myself, "you're going to be a messenger, as I suppose you already know , but I have a son, and you are going to be his supposed birthday present, my son would not approve of you being a human messenger, but you are going to be it behind his back, you are going to be whatever my son wants you to be for him, but whenever I need you, you will deliver my messages to whoever I tell you and however I tell you, understand?" I nodded, "now, repeat, what you have to do?" I did not answer, it has been a long time since I spoke to anyone, "answer!" He told me frustrated, "ehhh ... I have to be with your son, and he cannot know that I am a Human Messenger, and when you tell me if I have to send a message I have to do it, without your son knowing"...the giant relaxed, "sorry I yelled at you boy..." he looked at me as if wondering something, "what is your name boy?" , "my name is Rami, sir", "okay, Rami, calm down, you are not with a family that is going to treat you badly, my son does not see humans as pets, and neither do I, but I do need you as a Messenger " what he just told me relieved me a lot "Don't get your hopes up either, but hey, now you'll get home and meet my son, and he will tell you what he wants you to know about"





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