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'run' running was the only thing he could think of.

The giant I was with had forgotten about me in the schoolyard. Now I just had to go, before she found me.

I was in a very long hall way, with huge lockers. I came to a curve, but when I turned, I did not realize that there was a giant standing in the middle of my way. I hit the giant's shoe, and fell to the ground, but I quickly got up and ran.

"Hey! You, Human, don't run!" the giant that I collided with told me, he started walking towards where I was.

he put one foot in front of me to block my way. I bumped into the damn shoe again. Before I got up, the giant put his huge hand on top of me, his hand was heavy, I was hyperventilating. "What do you think you're doing? human" he said, I did not answer him, "answer!" he started pressing my body with his hand, "AAAHHGG !!! STOP, STOP, STOP" I shouted, but he kept pressing his hand harder and harder. "Answer, and I'll stop crushing you" this giant was going to kill me.

"I have to deliver a message" that was the first thing that occurred to me to say.

There are humans who are dedicated to delivering messages and the giants cannot kill them, why else do they have to pay the owner of that human.

the giant grabbed my leg with his two huge fingers and turned me upside down, lifted me up to the level of his head.

 the giant grabbed my leg with his two huge fingers and turned me upside down, lifted me up to the level of his head

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"so if you're late, your owner will kill you, right?" He told me.

"please let me go" I said crying, "you are very skinny and not strong to be a Messenger, I don't believe you are", 'Damn, how obtrusive is this giant' I thought, the blood was rising to my head, I was getting dizzy, I looked at the giant "please ..." I said, my head was hurting a lot.

"you are lying to me, tell me the truth", "sorry...", he snorted "pppffft...I will let you go little woman" he lowered me slowly to the ground, I stood there for a long time," human, aren't you going to go? Before you had a lot- " I took my middle finger out and ran away, "son of a bitch..." I said to myself

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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