Chapter 1:The lore

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In the country of Korea, built upon the backs of the four major Kingdoms, was where magic has been leaked into the very ground. In Olden times, Dragons would rule over the hills, spreading their power, but now all that is left is the memory and their skulls lining the castles on high.

Split from what they have known, they were driven from the land, torn from their home, and their eyes sold for medicine, their claws made the finest of jewels, their scales of the hardest armor, and their tears caused death. They were legends on high, any who sees one is considered to be blessed.

Despite the fact so many have been slaughtered, they still roam the darkest corners, some returning to try and reclaim their home. The four Kingdoms, each led by a King, bares them back and flourishes.

However, their mark is still across the land. Some children are born with the soul of a true dragon. Their bodies, impeccably beautiful, like a royal gem, and their skin, porcelain and as hard as crystal, they are known as Dracki.

Dracki are within the shape of a dragon, and many are killed on sight, but a rare few, make it out. Once reaching maturity, they gain a human form, which their human half gives them. They are said to be the most beautiful, like angels walking across the land, but can bring death among them.

For thousands of years, like the Dragons that scorn their human soul counterpart, humans have banished them, locked them away or killed them off. Some can remain hidden, walking amongst the villages of the very people.

Others, become a Steed for the Sentineal, the human riders of the Dracki they have chained and put a binding rune among the flesh of the Dracki to claim as its own. The Dracki, now runed, has no choice to but to stay with the Sentinel, becoming it’s main power.

Sentinels are highly trained warriors, trained in the art of flight, assassination, and the killing of Dragons, Dracki, and the main army of the Kingdoms. They are trained body, mind, and soul.

However, there is a way that the Dracki can connect with a human. A tie between souls, known as Bonding. If a Dracki so chooses a human whom they consider worthy, they shall tear their soul, and the humans, and receive each other's power.

Only the Dracki have the ability to share the souls, and in doing so, creating a permanent Bond. If the Dracki dies, the human will follow, if the human dies, the Dracki will die as well. The Bond is unbreakable, as headfast as the iron of a sword, and it will live on.

The humans of this Bond are known as Knights. Knights of their Companions, great warriors of the sky.

But there are some, some so rare, so powerful, that a human is already destined to have a Dracki as their own, as a Companions. They are known as Fated. Once the human, and their Dracki, reaches the age of maturity, the symbol will appear on the skin of the human, in the same color as the Dracki’s eyes.

In turn, the Dracki shares the same symbol, in the same location.

This occurrence is only noted in history to have happened three times before, and to a Dracki equal to the power of a True Dragon. No other times has a Fated been told, for this is a danger to the human barer.

Ever since the Great War of the Dragons blood, strain has fallen across the four kingdoms. The King Alexes has created a Treaty of Peace, to keep the four kingdoms together from falling to war over the power over the land.

The Kingdom Seoul, known as the richest gem of the land, is the strongest among the four. Ruling with gems and diamonds, they have the largest kingdom. Ruled fairly, the treaty keeps the other three from condemning its power.

It’s relations are shaky, the history filled with blood and mistrust, but it withstands for the sake of the people.

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