Chapter 4: Ebony

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"You were very studious today, Highness," old man Chunho commented, closing the leatherbound notebook, it's twine groaning at the movement while the scent of ink tickled at the Prince's nose. The quill over his parchment stilled, black ink dripping on the withered paper as he lifted his head.

The old man's gaze was glittering with a knowledge that set Jeongguk's skin on edge, his mind scrambling to come up with some sort of excuse as to why he all of the sudden cared more than he had the day before.

He lowered his eyes, letting his fringe cover his eyes. "It's my Kingdom, is it not, Songsaenim?" He questioned instead, tone a forced light as he finished scribbling in his neat Hanja the Kingdom's ambassadors and Nobles.

Chunho hummed, hands clasping behind his back as he stepped forward, leaning over the table so that he was closer to the Prince. Jeongguk held his breath as the elder gave a knowing smirk.

"Why do you not ask the questions that have been plaguing you?" At Jeongguk's incredulous look, mouth opening to protest, Chunho merely scoffed and pulled away, shaking his head with his head raised. "Do not lie, Majesty. I have known you since you wrote your first character and still crawled on four legs instead of two. I know of you, and I am old, not blind."

Before Jeongguk could ask what he meant, an old withered finger, slightly crooked and stained with ink from the constant writing, turned his left arm over, tapping at the band over his wrist. Panic flooded his system as he pulled it away, staring at his teacher in shock.

Chunho merely smile, hand drifting back behind his back. "Fret not, Young Prince, if I wished to reveal you, I would have long ago. I have no desire to see ill will towards you."

"Then why say anything at all?" Jeongguk questioned, keeping his arm under his table. "How do you even know to begin with?"

"Simple. I pay attention in ways The King can never begin to understand." Jeongguk flinched at the words, the reminder that his father hasn't paid attention to him since he still wore cloth diapers, or until his brother died. Making him the heir. "The King thinks that a Dragon's worth lies within their gifts, but he does not see."

The words were sad, the old man's gravelly voice filled with a weariness as he groaned, lowering himself into the oak chair. His dark eyes peering up at the shelves of the library, bright and glowing in the light of the day.

Jeongguk's mind returned to the cells, as it has since he had woken from his slumber that morning, where the beautiful Dracki remained chained. ' They are said to be the most beautiful, like angels walking across the land, but can bring death among them ,' the words of the scroll appeared in his mind, and he nearly snorted aloud.

The raven black hair, full lips, and piercing silver eyes were only fragments of the Dracki's beauty. His voice of soft honey, sweet and lingering, while the sight of the smile reminded Jeongguk of the tales of angels, so beautiful, and then he remembered Jimin in the throne room, voice outraged, a danger lingering under the silver orbs.

Like Jimin, like Mark, it seemed Chunho knew of Fated, knew of things outside the castle and for a moment, he felt like the lost child again. Everything was spiraling out, but he had a feeling he had been falling for a long time.

He was just aware of it now.

"Songsaenim," Jeongguk mumbled, turning his gaze to search the withered skin of his teacher, who hummed and looked towards him. Swallowing, he pushed on. "What worth does Dracki and Dragon bring? Why do you seem to have this knowledge?"

"Magic. They bring magic across the land, filling our fields, our mines, and without them, we will have nothing," he replied gently. "I am not ignorant. I have seen the dragons fly, heard their roar, even witnessed their tears. My noona was a Knight. I have seen it."

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