Chapter 6: Ivory Dragon

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"You mean the Divinis?" Yoongi asked after silence had fallen over the group. Jimin felt his heart slow at the words as Jeongguk glanced at him from the corner of his eye. His thoughts were silenced, but he didn't need to read them. "Do you believe in the Divinis as well?"

"We are magic beings, are we not, Min Yoongi-ssi?" Jimin questioned, raising his brow carefully. The ivory male on the other side of the forest tilted his head, crystal blue eyes cold as he searched the other's features.

Taehyung, who was still lying across Yoongi's back, looked uneasy. His eyes flickered between his brother, then back towards the darker male a ways away. Shifting his weight, he uncurled himself and stepped forward.

"So you are seeking shelter from the Scale? Why not find a new Clan? Why travel?" Tae questioned, deep voice careful and sweet, eyes searching Jimin's. Jeongguk felt the bond strain, Jimin's body rippling a moment as if he was inches away from returning to his other form.

Jeongguk stepped closer, easing his body next to his Dracki. The ivory Dracki craned his head away, shaking his head as he grunted in the back of his throat. "I guess it matters not your reasonings. I care little." Turning on his heel, he craned his head over his shoulder. "You shouldn't linger here. If you desire food, Tae-ah will escort your Knight to the Outskirt for food."

Jeongguk's ears pricked at the unfamiliar term, head lifting to look over at Tae who nodded his head in understanding to his brother's words. A growl rumbled through the throat of Jimin, anger and distrust burning across the bond but the taller shook his head.

'It's alright, Jimin hyung,' he sent over the bond, watching as Jimin settled a bit more before he looked back towards the Ivory Dracki who reverted back to his true form, wings unfurling as he pushed himself into the trees.

Hoseok and Taehyung were the only ones who lingered. "Don't mind him- he just doesn't trust easily. He tends to be weary of any who are new," Hoseok explained, treading over with a bright smile on his face, showcasing tiny dimples in the corner of his mouth.

Tae giggled, nodding his head to show his agreement as he settled across the root of one of the trees. He crossed his legs, settling his hands in his lap as he smiled warmly. Jimin seemed less than amused as he arched a brow towards the Knight.

"As a Dracki should in this time, but means little to me. I will not allow strangers to touch my Knight," Jimin warned, voice taking on a deadly edge. Hoseok paused feet away from them, the smile only faltering a moment as he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Look, it's Jimin right?" He asked, eyes searching the Dracki's face. He gave a stiff nod in return. "It's just as you said. Even I, a Knight, am not blind to the problems that have been happening, and neither is he, he just..." Hoseok glanced over at Tae, who was staring down at the grass like it was the most interesting thing. "He doesn't care as much."

"But why?" Jeongguk blurted, startling all three of them, including himself. Ignoring the racing to his heart, he clenched his fist as he narrowed his eyes on the Knight in front of him. "Why do neither of you care about your future? Aren't you both tired being used? About the way people treat you? If it is the Divinis, maybe we can help it and help each other. Magic can grow in the land."

Hoseok sighed, a hand raising to run through his hair as Jimin looked away. Jeongguk looked between them both, feeling desperate for an answer but he didn't understand why. He wanted to help, and after seeing the where he was standing now, and the mistreatment towards these creatures... he wanted a change.

"Some things do not work that way, Jeongguk-ssi. Not all of us are lucky, Dracki and Knights alike," he explained carefully, voice soft before he shrugged. "Some have stopped caring after living such long lives while the rest of them just want peace. They do not wish to meddle in human affairs."

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