Chapter 5: Divine Sky

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The air was beating around Jeongguk, the feeling of the clawed hand was tight against his body as he held his breath at the feeling of a sudden stop, his stomach twisting tightly. Fear was coursing through his bones, stealing his breath as he stared down at the ground hundreds of feet below.

The sound of roaring dragon cries filled the air, breaking any moment of relief that he wasn’t merely a blood splatter across the ground below. Heart in his throat, Jeongguk lifted his gaze and peered across the landscape.

Yonder the right side of the castle was where three Dragon shaped forms were headed straight for them. A curse rang through Jeongguk- Sentinels and their Dracki. Below them was the Kingdom of Seoul, the people running and shouts being called at the sight of a black shadow falling across their homes, breaking the tranquil moonlight.

Jimin swung his large body across the way, twisting it so that he could adjust Jeongguk better in his grip while scanning the area for where he was headed. He didn’t have a lot of options. He had to fly over the wall of the Kingdom and escape back into open land. The problem was making it there.

The sounds of the other Dracki pursuit was enough of warning. Jimin only had one shot at this. It was nighttime, something that Jimin was grateful for, but the problem still remained that it was a bright full moon and mostly clear skies. His ebony scales glinted easily in the luminous moon.

Jeongguk looked towards his Dracki’s wings, taking in the shape. They were on the shorter side, broad, the black scales turning thinner and revealing something similar to a bat wing with small shards of black ebony spikes along the outer, but basing on the smaller shape, Jeongguk realized his Dracki was a maneuvering Dracki. Elliptical winged. Similar to bats, robins, and sparrows.

His wings were built more for confined spaces, fast maneuvering, giving him incredible control and rapid ascent and low drag. His body was slender, revealing a typical western Dragon of four legs, but body lean and his neck long.

His back held no spikes, no defense, just smooth scales, and that was startling enough when he realized that the claws around him were long enough to tear a large predator apart without even thinking about it. Maybe for gripping along of the edge of a sea cliff?

His tail was long, a bit longer than his wingspan, and Jeongguk tried to remember what he did recall of Dracki anatomy.

A longer tail generally means a good swimmer, good flight patterns, and even with the flaps that are at the end of the tail, resembling somewhat of a bat's wing, would give higher speeds on turns and exercise the control of sharp turns and low dives. Height, however, was not an option.

The ebony scales giving warning to a Dracki that thrives at night, able to hide within the shadows and before you even realize it, you have been attacked and the ebony scales already back into the night.

From the tail to the back legs showed that he had some sharper scales around his legs but nothing was protecting his back nor his neck, which was on the traditional longer side of a Dragon, and reaching up to his face.

Jimin’s face was sharper, a sharp, more protruded jaw line, covering his sharpened teeth and sharp cheekbones. No spikes or horns covered his face, only leaving soft scales that rippled over his head until it reached the back where two long horns protruded.

The horns were long, curved downwards like a small crown, and as for his size, Jeongguk realized he was rather small. He wasn’t nearly as large as he had read about- granted he had never truly seen a Dracki in their full form, but Jimin couldn’t be any larger than two times bigger than a Clydesdale.

Most reached the size of four times bigger than a Clydesdale.

The thought was concerning. Jimin was already quite small in his human form, but Jeongguk wasn’t sure what to expect in his Dracki form. He still seemed very small. He had seen diagrams in the library of Dracki sizes and his was the smallest.

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