Chapter 8: Sheer Cliffs

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Jeongguk giggled running a bit along the path with Taehyung a little ahead of him, his deeper baritone laugh echoing in the air as he lowered himself into the fields, his smile large and brown eyes blinking as he stared down little wild flowers poking up along the edge of the dirt road.

Kneeling next to it, he watched as Taehyung stroked it's petal once, the flower offering a tiny glow of golden light as it bared it's petals a bit more before returning to how it was before. Surprised, Jeongguk looked back up to see Tae smiling softly.

"I thought you could only do that in the forest?"

"Do what?" Taehyung asked, cocking his head to the side, brown eyes large as he met his gaze evenly, a slight pout to his lips. Jeongguk flushed, feeling a bit sheepish as he gestured for the flower.

"The glow thing- where the trees are. They were alive with magic right?" He clarified. Taehyung nodded, a spark of sadness in his eyes at the mention of the trees they left a day ago, trading for open fields, dirt road, and blaring sun across their backs.

"Yes- they were magic. But every living thing, minis humans, have such magic. But things connected to earth share some of it," Tae said, getting to his feet as Yoongi and the others came a bit closer. Jeongguk stood, feeling Jimin getting closer in the bond as he stood and turned, seeing the Dracki walking with his cloak over his head, the sun bearing down. "And what do you mean? 'Do'?"

"The trees from before. They liked you. Jimin hyung said that they treated you different for a human," Jeongguk replied quietly. Taehyung stiffened, eyes dropping away from him as he scoffed his toe into the dirt, mouth ticked. The air around them chilled a moment, and Jeongguk winced. "Hyung, if I-"

"Don't." Taehyung shook his head, silver hair swirling around his face as he looked back towards Jeongguk, dark eyes unreadable. "It's a legitatamie question. You have a right to know." Jeongguk swallowed at the words as Taehyung looked towards the sky. "Yes. The trees liked me. Yes, they treat me different."

"Why?" He whispered, a little afraid he would say the wrong thing.

"Because I am different."

The words were merely a murmur, a gentle flow of the wind as Taehyung closed his eyes, hand reaching for the sky as he stared at his hand. His fingers were outstretched, eyes watching the way they bent or closed.

Jeongguk wanted to ask, he could feel the question burning on the tip of his tongue. He didn't let it out, he didn't dare voice it in fear of what Taehyung would do. It was clear the older hated speaking about it. Hated bringing up the fact, as he said, that he was 'different'.

"Different doesn't mean wrong, hyung," he said instead. Taehyung dropped his hand to his side, his face returning to the blank one it was before. Jeongguk felt the way his eyes traced over his features, before he gave a little huff and a smile.

"It's hard to believe that someone like me in the presence of a Prince. You don't seem like one."

"I'm not one, remember?" Jeongguk rebuked, laughing a bit. Taehyung shrugged, stretching out his long arms as they moved back onto the path. Jimin jumped playfully onto Jeongguk's back, causing the other to stumble a bit before adjusting to the weight with a grunt. "Fates, hyung, you're heavier than you look."

"Dracki. All that weight gotta go somewhere," Jimin teased.Taehyung laughed as well, running over to Yoongi who seemed to be expecting it because he bent down and let Taehyung jump across his back, legs around his waist and his laughter filling the air.

Hoseok smiled warmly, relieved to see Taehyung returning to his usual bright self as Yoongi hoisted him up, using his Dracki strength as he looked up to see Tae resting his chin across his head, smile bright.

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