Chapter 3: Crowned prince

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Park Jimin stared in shock towards the male, whose large eyes were blow wide, mouth agape as he clutched his left wrist. A part of him wanted to burst into laughter at the situation, wondering when his life spiraled down a hole so dark and shitty that it came to this.

After 200 years of living, of having the same mark on his wrist for so long, and years of searching for the one who bared the same mark, he found him within the confines of the Palace Boseong. Better yet? Wearing a crown and a royal crest.

A crowned prince, his mind supplied helpfully. Why not?

The Prince was handsome, Jimin could tell, black hair, soft features with a full bottom lip, a larger nose that wiggled a bit, and big doe-like eyes with a sharp jawline, skin a warm honey and his body strong and muscular.

His wrist was covered by what looked like a cloth band, but Jimin knew, he just knew with every fiber of his being that there was a mark the same silver as his eyes would be revealed if it was removed. His eyes were so wide and surprised, it made him almost innocent looking.

A heavy jerk of the cold chains around his neck, nearly choking him as his body lurched forward on the cold red carpet beneath his bare feet. Gritting his teeth, Jimin tore his eyes from the Prince and snarled towards the Sentinel, gripping the chain in his hands.

The Sentinel glared back, jerking the chain once more so the metal bit into the skin of his wrist, pain racing up his arm. He hissed and stilled.

The King kneeled nearby, his dark eyes like empty glass dolls. The desire to spit was circling in his mind, echoing like a devil on his shoulder, but he refrained as the King grabbed his hand and pulled it forward, showing off his mark, still a dark brown that matched the Princes.

Jimin wanted to jerk his arm away, to hide it from the cold baring eyes but the grip on his skin was harsh, nails biting into his skin. Breathing carefully through his nose, he kept his gaze straight ahead.

“Who is your Sentineal?” The King demanded, voice empty. Jimin felt his gaze shift up, back towards the Prince whose eyes were now filling with panic. A desperation so strong, he wondered how much the King knew of his own son. The chain jerked forward again, the pain in his wrist and neck startling the Dracki. “I said,” the king hissed, “who is your Sentineal?”

“I don’t have one, Majesty,” Jimin snapped, his voice sickly sweet. The King glowered, hand raising before raining down. The sting of the palm across his cheek echoed throughout the room. His skin ached as he raised his head, defiant.

“The mark on your wrist says otherwise.”

“And yet, do you see a Rune?” Jimin countered harshly. The King raised his hand again, but before it could connect with the flesh of his cheek, another hand had grabbed the King’s. Jimin froze, the scent of leather and vanilla tangling with his sharp nose, as the Prince stood inches from him.

“Abeoji, enough,” he growled, pulling the King’s hand away. The King hissed and tore his arm from the Prince, but that did nothing to deter him. “Look! The Dracki is telling the truth. He has no Rune across his skin and the Sentinels checked.”

The King glanced back down towards the chained Dracki, eyes narrowed and mouth pinched in a firm line. Jimin glared back, desperate to keep his eyes away from his Fated even though being this close felt odd.

“Do you have a Knight?” The King sneered instead. Jimin hesitated upon the answer, feeling his tongue almost say not yet but he stopped himself, flickering his gaze towards the Prince, who stared back and gave a subtle shake of his head. The brown flecks in his Fated gaze darkened.

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