Chapter 9: The Dracki Prince

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When Jeongguk finally managed to peel his eyes open, his breath fanned out unevenly as he stared at the rocky surface of the cave. The light streamed in through the large mouth of the cave, warming the slightly humid air.

The cave was hollowed out, circular with a few pieces of jagged rock stretching down from the ceiling but otherwise in a whole piece. The ground beneath Jeongguk was dirt, no grass, but sheer dirt and some pebbles here and there that bit into the skin of his back.

Weight was draped across his legs, causing his brow to furrow that he was unable to move them, and another weight pressed against his side. He felt sweat building across his skin, the heat a little unbearable as he looked down and saw Jimin was pressed against his side.

The Dracki's black hair had fallen over his face, obscuring his eyes while his cheeks were puffed a bit more sleep, lips pouted cutely, and his tiny hands grasping at the rough fabric of Jeongguk's shirt.

A lazy smile cross the younger's features, lifting his free hand so he can run his knuckles along the soft skin of his cheek, feeling his cool skin was warmer than usual with the heat and his lips to quirk into a tiny smile in sleep.

He didn't really understand why he did it other than he looked so carefree, something so precious pressed against him like a child in his sleep and it was endearing. It made Jeongguk's heart heavy, so full and warm as Jimin's eyes fluttered briefly before stilling again.

His heart skipped a beat as the Dracki made another one of the inhuman noises, soft and gentle, before nuzzling his bose back into the crook of Jeongguk's arm. He stilled again. Fighting back languid laughter, Jeongguk dropped his hand back to his side as he shifted his gaze to his legs, noticing the familiar, long lump of Taehyung.

Taehyung was also fast asleep, body splayed across Jeongguk's legs with his hand around Jimin's pants leg, his face peaceful and soft in sleep while his lips formed a natural pout. It was slightly endearing to see Taehyung lying here, unperturbed, and a fondness filled Jeongguk.

Was this what it was like to be a part of a family? His mother and his father never really did anything like this with him- fell asleep across him or offering cuddles. His brother was too sick when he was young and once he reached ten and two, there was no more need for cuddles.

He loved his brother, but he never really felt like he belonged. A barrier had always stopped him, keeping him just far enough away. Whether the barrier be age, whether it was appropriate, or even just his brother always rushing off to do his duty.

With Taehyung across his legs and Jimin pressed to his side, Jeongguk felt like he belonged. It made his heart swell, tears burning a bit but he bit them back, closing his eyes as he breathed out evenly.

Gaining control of his tears, Jeongguk fluttered open his eyes as he looked around the room. Yoongi was on right right side, curled into a small ball with Hoseok pressed against his back, both fast asleep, while the other side was taken by Namjoon, who was sitting up and leaning against the wall as he stared thoughtfully into space, his Knight, Seokjin was across his lap.

Jeongguk took this moment to study the two, noticing that Namjoon's hand was in Seokjin's hair, fingers sliding through the soft brown strands absently, like he couldn't stop himself from touching him gently.

There was a distance to the Dracki's gaze, a thoughtlessness as he nibbled on his bottom lip while he held his Knight so he can sleep on. Like the others, Jeongguk realized that they were united- like Hoseok and Yoongi seemed to be.

Jeongguk still didn't really understand, but he was beginning to not care. Seeing how Yoongi treated Hoseok, the kindness and the affection, was enough to know it wasn't a fluke and it was real. Seeing how Namjoon was loving, a caress to his cheeks as the other snuggled further into his lap, told him the same was true for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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