Kelly Oubre Jr. is in LA for the off season hanging with his best friend Jordan Clarkson. Until he gets to know the infamous Kylie Jenner.
What will this lead to?
"What you do last night?" Jordyn asked while scrolling thru her phone. "Nothing much just chill and watch TV." I responded. "I seen you and Kelly all cuddled up last night." She smirked looking at me. "We weren't cuddling." I defended. "Explain this." She said and showed me a picture of Kelly and I sleep on the couch cuddling.
"Don't worry I'll send it to you." She laughed. "We just fell asleep like that it was nothing serious, he's my best friend." I explained. "I'll let him slide with the best friend thing only because I see how much he cares for you." Jordyn stated. "I told him I liked him." I blurted. Her eyes widened as she sat up. "You're lying!" She exclaimed. "He said we should just be friends-" I started but she cut me off.
"Oh no! Fuck him that's his loss." She scoffed. "Only until I feel like I'm ready for a new relationship... he wants me to heal from what I went through with Jacques." I finished. "I take back what I said. I do kinda remember him saying something along the lines of that earlier." She recalled. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Well Stas and I walked in on y'all and he woke up talking bout 'I didn't miss out on the party I had fun here' and looked at you all in loveeeee then we just told him like we don't wanna see you getting hurt again and he told us basically what he told you." Jordyn recapped.
Aww. Kelly is such a sweetheart, I feel bad for yelling at him last night and getting upset with him earlier. I know he only wants what's best for me.
"This is the most I've seen you smile and laugh with a guy Kylie, not even T or Jacques made you this mushy." Jordyn smiled. "He's different Jordy, we only met like last month and I already feel more secure with him than any of my past relationships and we're not even dating." I told her. "Yet." She winked. "He's so kind and patient with me it's weird Bc I'm not used to it." I explained my feelings. "This is how it feels to have someone good in your life, sometimes that wants to build you up not treat you like shit." She said.
I agreed then we both scrolled on our phones.
"Damn, he's fine as fuck." Jordyn gushed and flipped her phone.
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@kellyoubrejr: off season don't mean the work stop 😈
"Damn" I mumbled. "You got lucky with him Ky, respectful and sexy! When is it my turn?" She joked. I laughed and looked at my phone to see a notification from Kendall FaceTiming me.
"Heyyy sister." I smiled and sat the phone up. "Why is Kelly so happy? Did you guys fuck?" She asked and laughed. "Man Kendall chill out, it's not even like that." I heard Kelly's voice in the back. "Maybe he's just a happy person?" I said. "I'm not buying that, Kelly doesn't even like to talk in the morning sis." Jordan's face took over the screen as talked.
"Y'all niggas on my dick fr." Kelly said. "Bro you came in here happy, waking everybody up in this bitch. Of course we gon think you got sum last night." Jordan chuckled looking at him. "Kylie tell them we ain't do nun last night." Kelly said now in the camera as well. "We didn't, all we did was watch TV and went to sleep." I recalled.
"And they cuddled." Jordyn pipped in. "See you ain't say all that my boy!" Jordan smiled. "You guys cuddled??" Kendall asked in shock. "Not like that, you guys are taking it too far." I rolled my eyes. "It sound like that." Jordan laughed. "Too cute." Kendall smiled. "Is that's what you called for?" I asked picking at my nails. "No, we're having a dinner tomorrow so you guys can come, it's gonna be pretty chill like around 8." She told me. "Ouu sounds fun, What's the occasion?" I questioned.
"Nothing really, just to get everyone together before the crazy scheduling starts back. You know Tyler is gonna be going on tour soon, the guys have to start going to Houston for some of the summer league stuff-" She explained. "Wait! They guys as in Kelly?" I asked. "Yeah, they go every year." She replied.
He's leaving?
"I'll still be here Kyls." Kelly appeared in the camera. "You failed to mention that." I mumbled.