Houston training

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Kelly's Pov
"Oubre 5 mins." Coach told me before walking towards the entry of the plane. "Today's the day." Kylie softly spoke looking at me. "Come here." I pulled her in for a hug.

I know it's only a week but we've been with each other almost everyday for the past 3 weeks

"I'll call you soon as I land." I pecked her temple. "Just stay." She pouted. "If I could I would pretty, you know that." I replied. "Guess I'll bury myself in work till you're back." She dramatically sighed. "Dude you so dramatic." I chuckled. "Have fun, don't get into any trouble." She poked my chest. "I never get into trouble." I defended. "You're a hot head sometimes." She backed up. "These boys be trying me." I laughed.

"Let's go Oubre!" My assistant coach called out.

"Take me with youuuu." I pleaded and hung my body on her. "Go, before you have to walk to Houston." She smiled. "Don't miss me too much, i know I'm the life of the party." I flashed a smile. "Whatever! Bye Kelly safe flight." She rolled her eyes. I hugged her one last time and kissed her. "You had to wait until the day before you leave to kiss me? Now I'm gonna miss you even more." Ky said. "I'll make it up to you." I promised. "Text me when you land love." She let go of my hand. "You know I will." I told her. I walked to get on the plane missing my girl already.

"Kelly out there being a lover boy huh?" One of my teammates mocked. "Chillout man." I snickered and sat towards the back of the plane with Jordan. He was already knocked out sleep, boy had a time last night. A smile crept on my face as I felt my phone vibrate, already knowing who it was.

Kylie: come backkk
Kylie: i miss you
Kylie: a week is too long !
Kelly: i will b back soon ml, i miss u more
Kelly: plane is about to take off, text u inna few mk
Kylie: safe travels love 💕

I put my phone up as we got ready for takeoff, slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.

"That's a wrap, we'll meet up same time tomorrow go get some rest fellas good work today." Coach clapped as we wrapped up practice. "I'm tired as hell boy." Jordan sighed. "You slept the whole plane ride man, what time you go to bed?" I asked grabbing my towel. "Like 4am, Kenny kept me up all night." He smiled. "Gross, I don't wanna hear that." I laughed and picked up my gym bag. "I'm talking like 5 rounds 2 breaks, clap clap clap." He over shared his details from last night with a smile. "Nigga move around i don't wanna hear that shit." I jokingly pushed his shoulder. "You ain't get you none? Y'all been talkin for a hot minute now you ain't gon push up on her?" He lowered his voice once we were in the locker room.

I changed my shorts and slipped a t shirt on. "Nahh bro we not even together, you know ion move like dat no more." I replied. "Old Kelly had hoes left and right every night boy!" He laughed. I shook my head and laced up my shoes. "I kissed her." I told him. "Bout time! How she react?" J asked. "It's me nigga how you think she reacted." I joked as we now walked to our cars. "I peeped the hickey my boy I wasn't gon say nun." He clapped his hands. "Chill bro, we ain't make it there yet." I chuckled.

Kylie's pov
"Tuesday morning won't work I have to pick Kelly up from the airport, we cant do the afternoon?" I questioned my mom. She called to tell me I need to stop by and pick up the new swatches for Kylie Cosmetics. "12:30 no later, I have meetings. I have to go this is Khloe on the line." She sighed. "Okay bye." I hung up the phone and sat back in my bed. Kelly has been at practice all day, but we spoke for a few after he landed so I've been keeping myself busy with work.

Incoming FaceTime from "Kelly 🏀"

I smiled as his face appeared on the screen. "Hey baby." He greeted. "Hi love, how was practice?" I asked. "Long, we kept running 2v2s shit was getting tiring." He replied. "Aww my poor baby." I pouted. "How was your day? I miss you like crazy." His toothy smile made me smile. "It was good, I've been in meetings all day so I've been distracted from missing you." I told him. "I can't wait to take you out." He told me. We began talking about any and everything until we both got sleepy.

"You tired?" He questioned looking at me. "Very." I yawned. "Let's go to sleep." Kelly mumbled with his face in the pillow. I turned my lights off and sat the phone up. "Goodnight love." I slightly smiled. "Goodnight love." He kissed the screen and dozed off.

He's so cheesy.

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