Kelly Oubre Jr. is in LA for the off season hanging with his best friend Jordan Clarkson. Until he gets to know the infamous Kylie Jenner.
What will this lead to?
"Kendall said Kylie supposed to be popping up." Jordan said in my ear over the loud music. "What you telling me for nigga?" I questioned and chuckled. "Cuz I know you want her bro!" He replied. "Chill out, we just met like a few days ago." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah ight, you'll be mad if another nigga got on that with her." Jordan scoffed. "She got a boyfriend anyways bro, I'm just trynna chill for the off season." I defended. "Man her boyfriend ain't on nun, he probably ain't even thinking bout her right now." He chuckled taking a shot of his drink. "Chill out." I warned.
"Here Kels." Nick came from behind us, handing me a pre rolled blunt. I took a hit from the joint and let out a thick cloud of smoke. "There go yo girl bro." Jordan swatted my chest.
Kylie and her friends stood there talking to Kendall and some other girls. She looked up and made eye contact with me then quickly looked down.
"Go speak fool." Nick pushed me towards the crowd. "Watch out bro." I smacked my lips. Us 3 walked over to the groups of girls and they instantly shifted their attention to us. "Heyy Kelly." Bella greeted. "Wassup y'all." I greeted, taking another hit from the blunt. They all went back to their small talk so I went to stand by Kylie.
"I see you showed up." I smirked. "I see you still didn't text me." She rolled her eyes playfully. "I be busy, like you told me the phone work both ways." I pointed out. "Yeah Whatever." She slightly pushed my arm. "You look good tonight." I complemented while admiring her.
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"Thank you, you look good as well." She returned the complement. "Nah i don't compare to you." I laughed. "You're the biggest flirt I know." She said. "I'm a flirt?" I questioned. "A big one." She replied.
"Or maybe I just like to complement beautiful women." I said making eye contact with her. She started to blush as she looked away smiling. "Wanna hit?" I held up the blunt to her. "Mhm no, I rarely smoke." She declined. "Really? I would've thought you tried it before, I'm assuming you're always busy." I told her. "I've tried it but I don't do it daily, I have a meeting tomorrow too so don't wanna show up high with a hangover." Kylie spoke.
"Understandable, you're better than Kenny, that girl would smoke everyday if She could." I laughed. "Yeah I like to call her a pot head sometimes to mess with her." She also laughed. I blew out a cloud of smoke away from Kylie and I heard her chuckle.
"What's funny?" I questioned. "Let me see that." She said reaching for the blunt. "Oh shit, what happened to the meeting?" I joked. She took a hit and blew out perfect Os. "You ain't tell me you was a pro Ky." I chuckled. "Everyone knows how to blow Os." She responded, handing me the blunt. I took a hit and failed at blowing them. "Damn Kelly you can't do it?" She laughed. "Chill out." I smacked my lips.
Hours later...
Sweaty bodies were all over the place as Kylie and I stood by the bar. "I want another drinkkkk." Kylie slurred in my ear, tumbling over. I quickly grabbed her waist to stabilize her. "You had 4 already I think you cut off." I said in her ear. "Don't be boringggg Kelly." She lazily smiled. "I took 3 shots with you and let you smoke half my j." I pointed out smiling. "Are you touching me? Kelly you're being veryyyy friendly." Kylie smirked. "I can't let you fall, you can't even stand up by yourself." I said. "Don't let go." She mumbled placing her head on my chest.
"Ouuu what's going on here?" Stas came over with Jordyn, Kendall, and Hailey. "Just taking care of my best friend." I replied. "I'm her best friend that's it." Jordyn told me. "Both of you are." Kylie said. "Soo Kelly you single?" Hailey asked. I felt Kylie glare at me along with Kendall.
"Uhh yeah I am." I responded. "Good because I know someone who wants to get to know you." She smiled. Kylie removed her head from my chest and started to talk to Jordyn. "Come on jordy I'm ready to go." She said and started to walk away. "Wait why?" I interrupted her and grabbed her arm.
"Let me go." She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed. "My bad." I apologize for grabbing her arm, "but what's up, why yo attitude just change?" I asked. "Kelly I'm just ready to go home. I'm high and drunk and I'm tired." She told me rubbing her forehead. "I know but we was just cool now you acting all stand-offish." I said. "She'll text you Kels, we gotta go our driver is outside." Jordyn interrupted us grabbing Kylie's hand and walked towards the door.
"It's because Hailey told you someone wants to talk to you. Kylie probably just got a little jealous." Kendall said coming to stand next to me. "She don't even like me like that." I told her. "Mhm you sure about that?" Kendall questioned. "We're just friends, she has a boyfriend and I'm not the one that's gonna break them up." I replied. "She'll be fine by the morning, I doubt she even remembers what happened." Kendall shrugged.