The morning after

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Kelly's POV
I woke up to the sunlight poking through the curtains, and the smell of breakfast being cooked. I looked over, and Kylie was still asleep with my arm draped over her.

I couldn't help but smile as last nights events replayed in my head.

"Kyls." I softly shook her.

No response.

"Ky." I pecked her temple.

She stirred in her sleep, now putting her face in my chest. I couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Baby, I think it's time to get up." I softly said while rubbing her back. "5 minutes." She mumbled. "I can smell Kenny's blueberry pancakes from up here." I breathed in the sweet air and checked the time.


I carefully got up and slipped my briefs on followed by my joggers and a white tee. I walked downstairs seeing Jordan and Kendall kissing on the counter.

"Get a room." I covered my eyes, sitting at the island. "My bad bro." Jordan smirked making Kendall blush. "Do yall not get tired of each other?" I asked laughing. "Mhmmm no. He's my lover." Kendall replied.

"Anyways, I smelled pancakes- ah yes!" I fixed my eyes on the plate that was calling my name. "That's crazy Kels." J chuckled as I made my way over to make a plate for Kylie and I.

"How'd it go last night?" Kendall asked. "It went good actually, it was definitely a vibe." I answered eating a pancake. "Did you ask her?" Jordan questioned.

"She said yes." I couldn't help but smile which caused them to cheer.

"I told you my boy! See i knew yall was gonna be together!" Jordan shook my shoulders. "Yeah yeah." I shrugged off, trying to contain my smile. "Look at Kelly being a lover boy, this is so cute. Maybe I should've introduced you guys sooner." Kendall said.

"It smells good down here." Kylie's voice entered the kitchen. "Good morning sisterrrr, how was your night hmm?" Kendall wiggled her eyebrows. Kylie instantly blushed as she came to sit next to me. "It was great." She replied looking at me.

"Yeah yall was loud too, me and Kenny left and came back." Jordan said which caused Kendall to laugh, and Kylie to turn bright red.

Oh shit.

"Man chill." I shook my head smiling. "Im serious bro, yall probably beat us." He continued. "The house was empty when we got back." Ky said eating off my plate. "See, you guys didn't even hear the door open!" Kendall laughed.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." I tried to play it off. "Yeah, we watched a movie and fell asleep." Kylie lied.

"Oh so the movie consisted of moaning and groaning each others names?" Jordan joked. "Yall got jokes I see." I chuckled standing up. "Of course we do, we're finally not the ones being put on the spot." Kendall said.

"Whatever. We still on for the gym J?" I asked. "Hell yeah, we can go right now." He answered putting his dishes in the sink. I nodded then turned towards Kylie. "You good here?" I asked. "Yes, I have a photoshoot at 4 so I may or may not be here when you get back." She answered. "I'll see you after then?" I questioned. "If I'm still here then you can come with." She offered. "I'll be quick then, I never see Kylie in action." I joked.

"You still down here chatting." Jordan was now coming down the stairs with his gym bag and basketball. "I'm coming bro." I shooed to which he went over to Kendall who was now in the living room. "Go and hurry back." Kylie softly said kissing me. "I will baby." I smiled before going to gather my gym bag and shoes.

"Finally." J said as I came back down the stairs. "Im giving you time to prepare for this beating J." I shrugged. "Whatever Kel." He rolled his eyes.

"See you soon love." I kissed Kylie. "See you soon, I miss you already." She hugged me. "Give me 2 hours." I told her. "Okay." She kissed me once more before I left with Jordan.

"She got you whipped Kels." He laughed as he started the car.

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