Family Night

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Kelly's Pov
"Hey! Everyone's not here yet!" Kendall swatted my hand away from the pasta I was trying to steal. "Man we hungry Ken." I groaned as I sat next to Jordan at the counter. Kendall planned dinner for everyone since it's gonna be awhile for all of us to get together again. It's only us 3 here right now so we're waiting on Taco, Tyler, Stas, Nick, Jordyn, and Kylie.

Kylie was kinda upset that I didn't tell her about Houston, i honestly forgot about it. I'm don't wanna leave her, we've been spending everyday together.

"Finally!" Jordan exclaimed as the doorbell rung. Everyone made a loud entrance as chatter now filled the house. "What took y'all so long, niggas hungry as shit." I dapped Nick up. "Blame them. You know how girls is." Taco laughed. "We been ready for the past 45 mins, you guys are the ones that took forever to meet us." Stas sassed. I shook my head as I pulled Kylie closer to me. "What up." I smiled as I softly put my forehead on hers. "The sky." She replied looking in my eyes.

Her energy is off tonight.

"You got jokes?" I brushed it off, not wanting to bring attention to us. "For today." She slightly smiled. "Come on let's go wash our hands." I pulled her towards the bathroom. "Ouuu where y'all going?" Tyler shouted. "To wash our hands freak nigga." I laughed. I let her in first then closed the door behind me. "Yo you good Ky? What's up, where the energy at?" I turned to face her. "I don't want you to leave." She mumbled looking down. "Aht aht." I lifted her chin up and grabbed her hand.

"It's a week, then I promise I'm all yours." I reassured. "Still.. I'm gonna be so bored." She sighed. "We still gonna talk 24/7, this will just give us time to miss each other." I hugged her. "I know." Her voice trailed off. "Let me take you out when I'm back, me and you." I offered. "Really?" She looked at me with those doughy eyes. "A little bit of painting, maybe a picnic with sushi, watch the sunset..?" I listed off her favorite things. A smile crept on her face as she started to blush.

"Yes, I would love that." She answered. "I'll be waiting ms Jenner." I smiled and turned to wash my hands. "Same here mr. Oubre." She copied.
"Take a shot bro! You lying!" Jordan exclaimed as he rocked my shoulder. "Bro that never happened." I laughed. Dinner went great, Kylie got over everything, and now we're playing never have I ever on the couches.

"All right all right, last one because you guys are cut off." Stas pointed between us and picked up a card. "Never have I ever ouuu.. caught feelings for someone in the friend group?" She wiggled her eyebrows and giggled. "Shitttt." Nick laughed and drowned a shot. Everyone but Taco and Jordyn took a shot. I looked at Kylie as she drunk a chaser. "You so pretty." I whispered in her ear. She didn't reply, instead she turned red and tried to hide her smile.

"Who's the crush?" Jordyn asked us. "That's federal j." Nick slurred as he was clearly drunk. "Shit it's obvious." Jordan laughed. "Mines was Kendall but she like basketball players, plus the height difference idk." Tyler joked to which everyone laughed. "Me too nigga." Nick said which made us go quiet.

Oh shit, everyone knows Jordan don't play about Kendall. It's different bc Tyler is into guys so we know his was a joke, but Nick? Come on man.

"Oop." Stas covered her mouth. "What you say bro?" Jordan stood up. "Chill bro." Nick smirked and got up as well. "Aye not in here." I stood between them. "You heard that nigga clear as day, watch out Kel." Jordan pushed my arm away from him. "He drunk J, that's not an excuse but come on bro handle it sober." I faced him. "Nah we finna handle shit right now!" Jordan yelled. "Niggas say shit worse onna net why you mad at me?" Nick spoke clearly not understanding what he said. "Nick shut the fuck up bro!" I tried to warn him. "You being disrespectful, watch yo mouth speakin on her." Jordan took his shirt off. "So what's up! Talking to me like a bitch wassup!" Nick challenged. Taco got up and held Nick back as I tried to lead Jordan out the room.

"Let us get our 1s bro!" Jordan said. "No, no fighting!" Kendall got up and stood in front of Jordan. "Calm him down." I told Kendall as I went over to Nick. "Bro come on, go outside." I said and walked Nick over to the front door. "Get off me!" He pushed me slightly. "Don't push on me." I chuckled trying not to get mad as well. "Fuck you and fuck you Jordan! ." He flicked me off in my face. "That's cute now get out." I opened the door. "Put me out." He challenged as he folded his arms. "Bro just leave, you fucked up the night already." Taco joined in. "We got a group of dick riders I see!" Nick laughed as he clapped his hands inches away from my nose.

I pushed him which made him stumble but still manage to push me back. "Fuck out here nigga!" Jordan ran over and punched his jaw. "Hey!" Jordyn and Stas yelled from the couch standing up. "Kelly, calm down." Kylie was now in front of me pushing me away from the situation. Tyler and Taco managed to get Nick out of the house and into the car, while Kendall calmed Jordan down.

"I'm sorry y'all." Jordan apologized to the everyone. "You're fine J." Stas replied the others agreeing. "You okay?" Kylie asked looking into my eyes once again. "I'm good, thank you Ky." I rubbed my fingers over her knuckles.

"We're gonna get going, it's late." Taco spoke. "Thank you guys for coming." Kendall laughed and hugged everyone. "Nah fr, shit was lit still." Jordan dapped the guys up. "You coming home or staying here Kyls ?" Jordyn asked. "I'm sleeping here tonight." She smiled looking at me. "Date already." Stas rolled her eyes smiling. Kendall walked everyone out while Kylie and I went up to the room.

I plopped on the bed and let out a long sigh. "You tired love?" Kylie asked sitting next to me. "Yes, you?" I asked. "Exhausted." She replied running her hands through my hair.

"I had fun tho, I'm always happy to see you." I smiled sitting up to face her. "Likewise, I've grown super attached to you." She blushed. "Damn it's already a month almost?" I chuckled thinking back to our first interaction weeks ago. "Time flies." She smiled. I just sat and admired her. She was beautiful.

"Stop staring." She mushed my head. "I can't look at you now?" I smirked. "You can." She locked eye contact with me. My eyes went down to her lips as I rubbed her thigh.

Fuck it just do it Kelly.

I leaned in to kiss her to which she kissed me back. She pulled away smiling and blushing hard. "Finally." She cheesed and connected our lips once again. I pulled her closer to me while she wrapped her arms around my neck, the sparks flying everywhere. I felt myself getting turned on as she had her lips attached to me.

What if she's not ready for that?

"You know how long I been waiting to do that?" I questioned looking at her smiling. "Hence the finally." She chuckled. "Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes. She grabbed her phone and started scrolling as I reached over to plug my phone up. "Hey, my family is having a dinner next week... Do you want to come with me?" She asked. "I'd love too." I answered then thinking about how big her family is. "I don't want you to feel pressured or anything, Kim suggested I bring you when she saw you at my house a few weeks ago." She said. "Ahhh let me guess, they think we're dating?" I assumed. "I keep telling them we're not but they believe what they want." Ky responded while texting on her phone.

"Guess I better act fast." I winked which caused her to blush. "Maybe we should shower and call it a night?" She offered. "You wanna go first or me?" I asked. "I'll go, only because I know you take long showers." She said and stood up. "I'll get your clothes ready." I got up as well and adjusted myself. Kylie noticed and let out a small laugh. "What?" I questioned laughing. "Nothing, you're cute that's all." She replied walking to the bathroom. "Hurry up." I told her, missing her already.

One step closer.

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