Chapter 7

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 "Don't you dare stop running," Layla gritted. "I can't believe you liked him touching you."

"Later. Yell at me when I'm not about to die."

I slammed my shoulder into the closest demon surrounding Zeke. He froze before he flew apart. Zeke still slashed and hacked at his attackers. I leapt back to avoid his sword.

"Watch it," I squealed. I backpedaled into Layla, who grunted.

She grabbed my arm. "We need to get out of here. Now."

Zeke stabbed another demon with his spear before snaking his other arm around both of us. I gripped Zeke's wrist and saw Layla do the same with her free hand. Her gray eyes were huge as she looked over my shoulder.

"Coyote," Layla squeaked.

I huddled tighter into Layla, my eyes slammed shut. I didn't want to see the god. He'd use my desire to manipulate me. Again.

"On it," Zeke gritted.

"You're mine," Coyote snarled. My good intentions flew away at the sound of his voice and I looked at him. His canines flashed as he bounded toward us in an odd hop-step. Once transformed from man to fur-covered cur, he was large, as big as a wolf, but sleeker and faster—so fast, he appeared to be a blur of sand-colored wind.

My stomach twisted in that deep, disorienting pull. I fought the overwhelming urge to yank myself from Zeke's hold. Coyote was just inches from me, his eyes no longer full of seduction. His breath, thick and hot, slid over my exposed skin.

Layla cried out, her hand sliding from mine. I reached for her, but she was too far away.

Coyote leapt forward, knocking me from Zeke's grasp. I slammed into the ground so hard all the air left my body.

Golden eyes glittered inches from my face; hot canine breath puffed across my skin causing it to ripple in gooseflesh. Long, sharp teeth settled at my throat.

Whatever Coyote wanted to do, I wouldn't survive it.

I clamped my jaw together hard to stop my teeth from chattering.

Slowly, as though he had oodles of time, Coyote morphed back into a man, the hunger never fading from his eyes. "I plan to keep you," he said as he nuzzled into my neck. "At least for a little while. To see if you're worth the trouble I've already put into finding you."

He bit the tendon there, hard. I arched, trying to pull away.

He chuckled as he licked the spot, his arm sliding down my torso to band around my waist. He pulled me tight to him, forcing my thighs apart so he could settle between them. I twisted and writhed but he was too big. He chuckled at my struggles. The place in my head erupted. I felt this odd tugging, a pull at my consciousness. Cold air pressed against my cheeks, lifted my hair.

"I like your spunk," he whispered into my ear before sucking the lobe. I gritted my teeth against the pleasure shooting through me as his wet tongue lapped over the sensitive flesh.

I turned my head and stared into the concerned face of a spirit. A scream strangled into my throat as Coyote gripped my jaw, forcing my gaze back to his.

"How did you do that?"

I wasn't exactly sure what I'd done. The frigid cold slid between Coyote and me, forcing our bodies apart. I shoved him back with my feet, immediately surrounded by a group of twenty or so spirits. Using the brief moment of confusion, I scrambled to gain my footing.

The spirits glowed with an opalescent sheen not unlike the ethereal bits I'd seen in the clouds that settled over my backyard that afternoon.

"Command us," one of the spirits whispered into my ear. I shivered.

The Spirit SeducerWhere stories live. Discover now