Chapter 12

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"I don't believe that," I mumbled. But...why did Zeke feel so much shame whenever we mentioned his parents? "He's one of The Four."

"That doesn't make him good, Echo."

"It doesn't make him evil, either," I shot back. "Especially if he's trying to help save the world."

Layla plucked a piece of thread from the hem of her tee. "So, I actually came in here this morning to give you something."

Concern drifted up, surrounding both of us. She stuck her hand in her pocket. It must be small because she clutched it in her hand.

"Zeke thought it might be better if I gave it to you. It was outside, on a chair. He brought it in a few minutes ago."

She hesitated. Finally, she opened her palm and let the object fall into my hand. I recognized the chain. It was the same as the one I wore around my neck—the delicate links interspersed with turquoise.

The ugly clay pendant that used to hang from it had been ripped off. I stared at the chain. Don't take it off, Echo. The more you wear it, the more it'll come to know you. You're the only one who can remove it.

I hadn't understood when Mom had given it to me. A talisman more than a fashion statement. It was her—my—last protection. Sotuk's gift to keep us safe.

Grief welled up, deep and sharp.

"Does that mean she's dead?" I asked.

Layla crouched down by the bed and pulled my leg from the covers. She dabbed at my sore ankle from a tin of ointment she pulled from the back of her jeans.

"What do you think?"

"She severed the connection between us."

Grasping my chin, she smoothed her fingers over the angry skin on my neck. I brushed her hand away.

"Leave those. I wanted to remember. I'm going to destroy Jaguar. For both of us."

She paused and her shoulders tensed. She dropped her gaze to my neck, then went back to rubbing in the ointment. "No. You won't have scars because of him. Tell you what, you can destroy him after I kick him in the nuts."

"I'm very good with my water torture." I rolled my eyes, trying to cover the anxiety building there. Sure, I'd showered last night—with Zeke—but no matter what he said, I wasn't sure I'd be able to focus enough to control my element like he did.

Layla laughed. "Zeke told me about your water wall. That's cool."

"I'm not sure I did anything. Shakola said that was her."

"She's such a bitch." Layla sighed. She bent back over her task of putting me back together.

"So I've wondered—when did you start feeling other people's emotions?"

I appreciated her attempt to shift my focus. "It's not like I'm trying to pry into you," I said. "It's only when you exude something really strong."

Layla chuckled. "Never thought you were. Thanks, E. Seriously. I guess I needed to talk to someone about it."

I clutched the broken necklace in my hand. "I'm just a girl, Layla. I'm not prepared for this. Like, at all."

I tucked my lips in, biting them.

"We don't know what's happened to your mom, Echo. She's strong in her own right."

"Not powerful enough to withstand a god, especially one as strong as Coyote."

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