Chapter 9

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Jaguar gasped and his legs crumpled under his weight. He slid to the ground. I fell, landing hard on my hands and knees. Jaguar's weight toppled forward, landing on me, pinning me under him.

I bucked, trying to shove him off, my breath coming in hysterical pants. I shoved again, harder, and the Kachina rolled off. His eyes met mine, the light fading from the umber irises. He opened his mouth, but only blood trickled from his paling lips.

I shot to my feet and stumbled back, away from Coyote and Jaguar's corpse. Jaguar's body formed again, from his bright yellow essence, above his dead one.

I gulped, trying to fill my greedy lungs, my fingernails ripping at my slicked sleeves.

Coyote growled as he grabbed Jaguar's soul by his arm. "You will not re-enter your body. I bid you back to the First World."

Jaguar's soul glowed, his eyes burning brighter. "You cannot. You don't control the spirits."

Coyote bristled, his body growing. "Of course I do."

Jaguar's soul laughed. It was a grating sound—that of an untuned violin. He pointed at me. "She does."

Coyote turned to glare at me. Holy hell. This wasn't going to end well.

"Watch yourself, mongrel," Coyote growled, growing steadily taller. "Your mother overstepped and she languishes for her choices. The gods do not like usurpers."

"I didn't ask for power over the spirits," I snapped, my voice hard, nearly vicious. "I just want my mom back."

Zeke stepped in front of me, his weapons drawn. A large, purple bruise had blossomed across his temple. He looked nearly as much a monster as the god towering above us.

"And to keep our powers," Zeke added.

I would've told them both I was more than willing to trade my powers for my mom's safe return, but my necklace heated past the point I could stand. I gasped, leaning forward so the necklace fell away from my burned skin. I wouldn't give it up then. Point taken.

"You ask much," Coyote growled.

"We seek balance," Zeke replied. "As Sotuk charged us."

He did? We did? Helluva time to find that out.

Coyote reached forward, but Zeke slashed at the god's hand, drawing a thick silver substance. Ch'ich, godly blood, dripped from the deep gash. Coyote backpedaled.

"I've told you before, you don't hurt her," Zeke said.

I moved out from behind Zeke, jaw clamped tight against my fear, refusing to cower. I might not be as strong as the males here, but I wasn't some object they could pass around. Coyote lunged for me again, but he stopped short, baying.

My eyes widened when I saw the deep gash on his thigh. Ch'ich poured from that wound. Coyote's hand shook as he held the sacred clay tablet.

"I'll kill you, bastard child," Coyote screamed.

"I'm no bastard." My voice was firm, filled with certainty.

Coyote raised the tablet. He spoke a word and my swirling spirits broke apart with a last mournful cry. I staggered back, shocked and exposed. Coyote spoke another word and the ground beneath us heaved.

"You have no right to use that against its people," Zeke shouted.

"I don't," Coyote said, his lips curling up in an ugly smile. "I use it against you halflings."

Large chunks of rock, nearly as tall as me, tumbled from the cliffs to our left. I cringed, braced for the sudden slam of heavy granite that would knock me off my feet.

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