Chapter 10

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Zeke tugged on my arm and I fell, this time through something more solid than nothing. I landed, in a heap, on Zeke's living room floor.

I threw myself into his arms, shaking, gasping. Water and dirt dripped from my hair, clung to my pants. His clothes were cold and wet, too. We huddled there, shivering.

"Where did Coyote get you? How bad is it? Thank you for coming for me."

Zeke cupped my cheek. "Stop. Breathe. I'm here. And you're welcome."

"Your arm's bleeding," I said, gesturing toward the cut just below his shoulder.

"It's not too bad. He just caught the edge of my skin. How are you?" he asked.

"I'm not dead yet. So there's that."

Zeke's lip curled up into the beginnings of a grin.

"Let's hope we don't have concussions. Where else? Shit, Echo. Your neck."

Zeke swallowed, his hand sliding up and down my sodden back. Concern poured off him. I wanted to bask in it, but I was too keyed up, the adrenaline jittering through my system.

"Jaguar did that. He...he tried to force me..." I looked up at Zeke, eyes wide. No more words would cross my lips.

"You're alive," Zeke murmured, his voice raw. "You're here with me. That's what matters."

He hugged me, and I winced, sucking in a pained breath, as the bite on my neck pressed into his chest. He pulled back tilted my head with a gentleness I didn't deserve. If I'd been tougher, faster—better equipped to deal with demons and gods—I wouldn't need his protection so much.

"I'm so sorry you had to come for me," I said. "I tried to hold on. I did. But when Layla let go, I couldn't."

Anger coursed from his body into mine. I pulled my knees up to my belly, folding myself into a ball. I didn't want him to see me like this. I was sore, bloody, and dirty.

And I was scared. As the events of the night lined up in my head. Bits would jump forward, like I'd seen in various haunted house shows. I flinched as I once again at the sting of Jaguar's teeth pressing into my skin.

Zeke gathered me close as the tremors wracked through my body. I pressed my face into his shoulder and my fingers spasmed against his arms.

"Will he come after me? I didn't want him to touch me. He told me he couldn't die. But he was dead."

"I know," Zeke murmured, stroking his big hand down my back.

"I couldn't leave you. I was worried Jaguar would kill you."

"Echo, I know."

My teeth clicked together. I dropped the tablet onto the couch. Zeke reached out and steadied it, setting it on a narrow table next to us.

"You'll feel better after you're clean and dry."

"The tablet. We need to talk about it. Will Coyote really give me my mom back if I give it to him? That's what I hoped, but he's known for breaking his promises and—"

"I've got you, Echo. I won't let Coyote or Jaguar hurt you."

I rested my head against his shoulder. "I was really scared."

"That's understandable."

Zeke rose, clutching me to him. I held on tight, eyes closed tight, trying to block out the violence I was responsible for tonight.

"I thought Jaguar was going to kill you."

He paused, looking down at me for a long moment. His emotions swirled around us. Through my own haze, I caught a whiff of shock and gratitude.

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