The next day, Yachi and Hinata exchange a quick talk and Hinata tells her that he has a new attack he hopes to do during a game. Daichi is then shown overhearing a conversation between Coach Nekomata and one of the Shinzen coaches.
After losing to Fukurōdani, the Nekoma team realize how difficult it is for any team to beat Fukurōdani. They then watch Karasuno do a flying lap penalty after losing to Ubugawa. Yaku comments at how serious Karasuno's shorty (Hinata) seems to take the lap and Lev makes the mistake of commenting on how Yaku is possibly not any taller than Hinata; resulting in Yaku kicking him in anger.
After the lap, Tanaka voices his frustration of the team not being able to win.
Daichi steps up to Karasuno as

Majesty is hanging on to Sugawara neck but she is on his back.

Daichi informs them that he had overheard the coaches talking and had been considering keeping quiet but decides to tell the team as seeing how they need some inspiration. He informs the team that he had heard the coaches will be throwing a barbeque for the teams once the games are done.

Karasuno quickly light up but Majesty looked down on that.

Daichi noticed, "What's wrong Majesty?" Daichi asked the now gloomy Majesty.

"I never...really had Barbeque before..." Majesty looked away from the team as the team screamed shocked.

"NEVER HAD BARBEQUE!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!" The whole Karasuno shouted.

"Yeah sorry..." Majesty jumps from Sugawara and went back to Nekoma.

Back to the game, Several members of Fukurōdani learn they will be playing Karasuno next and some express that they find Karasuno tricky to play against as they never know what methods the team will try. They believe the Karasuno players are becoming exhausted only to look over and see Tanaka, Hinata, Nishinoya and Kageyama dancing and singing of the barbeque; much to everyone's confusion.

Yachi later wishes Hinata luck in the game and that she hopes to see the new quick attack. After hesitating a moment, Hinata goes over to Kageyama and tells him he'd like to try the new quick. Kageyama tells him it may not be a good idea as he believes he still has not gotten the set right.
Yachi, having listened to Hinata and Kageyama, now realizes the reason Hinata became angry during the Nekoma game. It was because he felt Kageyama showed doubt in being able to do the new quick set while Hinata never doubted he could.

The team gathers around Ukai who asks that the team be able to make some of their new attacks work and to try to keep Bokuto in check. The team quickly reflects on all the work they have done during the course of the training camp before Ukai dismisses them with the promise of a meal after the game.

'Maybe I'm gonna get all the pretty setters and do something.' Majesty thought as she smirked mischievously.

Majesty got her Nintendo and plan to message all the pretty setters but good thing she made an group chat.

Pretty Setters (Kageyama)

Oh hello pretty setters.

Kodzuken: I'm literally across the gym from you why did you text?

TheDumbassKing:What is it?

TheGrandKing:Yahoo~ Hello Chibi-Chibi-Chibi-Chan! What do you need.

Sugarcane:Majesty, what do you need?

Momma_Owl: yes Majesty?

do you guys wanna go watch an scary movie at the movie theater?

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